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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. What a great album! Been listening to it a bunch. I think I may like it a bit more than Stage Names. Reminder....their HUGE tour begins Friday night in Lawrence, KS!!! Tour dates: 09-12 Lawrence, KS - The Bottleneck 09-13 Omaha, NE - Slowdown 09-14 Madison, WI - Barrymore Theater ^ 09-15 Fargo, ND - Aquarium 09-17 Seattle, WA - The Showbox * 09-18 Vancouver, British Columbia - Richard's on Richards * 09-19 Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom * 09-20 Seattle, WA - McDonald Theater * 09-21 San Francisco, CA - Treasure Island Festival 09-23 Los Angeles, CA - Henry Fonda Theatre * 09-24 So
  2. Flaming Lips - Spiderbite Song When you got that spider bite on your hand I thought we would have to break up the band To lose your arm would surely upset your brain The poison then could reach your heart from a vein I was glad that it didn
  3. Anybody who likes Chris Elliot (which should be anyone who has seen him do just about anything) will learn some things and enjoy this long article about him at Rolling Stone's website: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/22851536/page/2
  4. That'd be great. I think it's a pretty great album.
  5. I don't know much about Sarah Palin, but this could be an AWESOME choice. She's very pro-life and pro man-woman only marriage. Her most recent child, born in April, has Downs Syndrome. The little I've researched on her suggests she's a very strong, admirable and sharp woman. After the Democrats left their woman candidate at the curb, choosing Palin could be a good choice by the maverick McCain.
  6. Let's talk about the BEST thing about all this election crap. SNL starts Sept. 13! Who will be McCain? Who will be Obama (Armisen?)? Will the skits be as hilarious as the last couple elections?
  7. From Jay Leno: Barack Obama has chosen Sen. Joseph Biden to be his vice presidential running mate. Biden has 35 years
  8. Before this Bono letter, I'd simply have described "Boy" as being about growing up or the transition of going from boy to man. But Bono really nails the vibe of the album with: "if ninetynine percent of rock and roll is about sex this one percenter is about virginity and not wanting to lose it" and "I miss my boyhood"
  9. I found this interesting....from Rolling Stone's website: U2
  10. The scene in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", when Eli Wallach runs frantically around a cemetary looking for Arch Stanton's grave marker, while "The Ecstasy of Gold" plays.
  11. Personally, I have never understood Atheism. I can understand someone not brought up in Christianity or religion or any higher power belief system to not believe in God or a god. But eventually, how does one not conclude that SOMETHING beyond our imagination or comprehension is over-seeing or looking upon everything? Just the fact we exist and can see and can think and can care and taste the sweetness of a strawberry....NO WAY is that all an accident. The thought of death being final...lights out...nothing....black.....I don't believe it. Plus, I've always thought that infants or
  12. Interesting to have a poll of 3 categories, with the "Other" category getting the landslide of votes. My Catholicism places me in the "Other" category.
  13. I'm not saying it takes a misfortune to lose it. But I know people who have had serious setbacks and/or injuries that devastated them and made them wonder how God (assuming He exists) could put them through that. And I get that. None of us have an answer. But pure faith says that it's not for us to understand all the terrible things that happen. The most biblical followers and believers know we don't live on and shouldn't expect life to be Eden. Yes, my beliefs are mostly the way they are because I was baptized and raised Catholic. Who knows what belief system I'd have had I not been raise
  14. "All Through The Night" - Cyndi Lauper
  15. I think Dave Matthews sucks, but this news sucks 100 times worse. What a bummer.
  16. McCain takes the lead: http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNew...0080820?sp=true
  17. Just an innocent passerby here. Interesting thread. I'll side with One Wing. I'm a life-long Catholic, but totally understand almost all sides of this debate. It's true....none of us know for sure. That's why it's called faith. That's all we have. I can understand those less fortuanate, especially the disabled or the disease-inflicted or those with suffering family members, being doubtful if God exists. Mother Theresa herself questioned what kind of god would allow the suffering and starvation in 3rd world countries. Again, it's all faith. And a huge, huge majority of the faith
  18. That's kinda how I took Theologians. I've always got the impression from Tweedy's songs and interviews that he's at least somewhat spiritual. I don't think he's pro-religion at all, but it's my feeling that he believes in something greater and of higher power....though I have no idea to what degree and how enthusiastically.
  19. 1. I think there's quite a few who think that way. Being There is also a better album than YHF. As for Radiohead, I think The Bends is better than OK Computer. And I'd say The Bends is on the same level of greatness as Wilco's best....maybe higher. 2. I don't mind that it's a face melting rock song. I just don't like it. "Pearly" wouldn't have fit OK Computer, but it's a much better rocker, in my opinion. 3. Yeah, I can't think of any Radiohead song that's light in nature. But they've shown with High and Dry and Fake Plastic Trees and House of Cards, among others, that they can write incre
  20. I compared Summerteeth and OK Computer, as both were the band's 3rd album and came out within months of each other. YHF may be considered to be "more important" than Summerteeth, but it's not as great as Summerteeth. Believe me, I think OK Computer is remarkable. It sounded like the coolest, freshest thing ever the first 50 times I listened to it when it was released. And even today, it sounds pretty amazing. But I can't get past the coldness of it. Yes, Summerteeth has a couple throwaways (for me, My Darling, ELT and Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway), but so does OK Computer (Fitter Ha
  21. Excerpts From a Love Circus - Lisa Germano Geek the Girl - Lisa Germano Happiness- Lisa Germano Slush - OP8 Songs for Dustmites - Steve Burns The Day They Shot a Hole in the Jesus Egg - Flaming Lips The Hill - Richard Buckner Because We Hate You - The Young Fresh Fellows Vauxhall and I - Morrissey Loose - Victoria Williams Altered Beast - Matthew Sweet Sparkle and Fade - Everclear
  22. I'm not a Waits expert....I only have 4 of his discs....including Bone Machine and Real Gone. But of the the 4 I have, my favorite is Alice. I think it's beautiful.....not a word usually used for a Tom Waits record.
  23. OK Computer vs. Summerteeth. ??? Been thinking about this a bit. It's a tough call. OK Computer is brilliant.....complex, deep, beautiful, interesting....amazing songs. Paranoid Android is unreal. Exit Music is unbelievable. No Surprises,Lucky then The Tourist finish a fantastic album fantastically. Summerteeth is also great, and though dark, it's songs of love and loneliness and relationships make it more human than the worldly topics in OK Computer. Thom Yorke's voice soars on OK Computer and helps warm up the lyrically and musically cold OK Computer. Tweedy's voice also war
  24. I think I might agree that Radiohead is the better band. But not by much. But saying that, Summerteeth is a better record than OK Computer in my opinion. Summerteeth and Being There are almost untouchable. Kid A/Amnesiac are awesome.
  25. Pablo Honey > A.M. The Bends Ok Computer Kid A + Amnesiac > Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Hail To The Theif In Rainbows = Sky Blue Sky Flaming Lips > Wilco & Radiohead
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