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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. You're not missing much. I've always loved R.E.M. and really tried to like their lamer last 3 albums.....I even think "Up" is quirkily great...I like the experimenting throughout. But Reveal was disappointing and Around The Sun is unbelievably, embarrasingly bad.....it just drags along, with a 2 or 3 worthy songs sprinkled in. These new live songs ARE promising....it's very apparent they're trying to rock up their songs. I just wish they had a drummer like Berry to really make the songs kick.
  2. The Onion gave GaGaGaGaGa a B+.....below is their write-up. (I agree with almost everything...except I still think Series of Sneaks is their best) "Don't Make Me A Target," the first song on Spoon's sixth album, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, doesn't just sound like a retread of ground Spoon has already covered, it sounds like a retread of ground the band covered 10 years ago. Not until late in the song, when Britt Daniel stops singing and the band starts jamming, does "Don't Make Me A Target" start to sound fresher
  3. I like them all for the most part. One True Vine is the standout to me. I LOVE the voice and use of piano....it's got a very classic sound to it.
  4. Very tough tough to do, but here's how I'd rank the Pixar movies: 1. Toy Story 2. Monster's Inc 3. The Incredibles 4. Finding Nemo 5. Ratatouille 6. Bug's Life 7. Cars 8. Toy Story 2
  5. Perhaps it WAS very low, but I'd rather be of the mindset: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..." It seems Mark is trying to stay friends. He probably knows he screwed up. One of the new songs is about Vic Williams.
  6. http://www.popheadwound.blogspot.com/ (#5 is "ouch".....but kinda funny) Some thoughts on the Wilco show from this past Monday night at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York: 1. I
  7. I saw the film Friday. My initial reaction was it wasn't extremely funny, which was a tad disappointing.....but I only thought that because I'd read from a few critics how hilarious it was. Nonetheless, it's a very good movie that had many charming and funny-ish moments....good characters, unexpected twists and turns, unbelievable animation. It had a simplicity in scope that makes it unique to other Pixar movies....most of it takes place in a kitchen. But this allowed for the movie to offer up great subtle moments throughout and Bird clearly doesn't mind letting scenes unravel at a normal
  8. Is this purely wishful thinking, or do you know something? I'd love to see Ashes of American Flags played.....pretty cool setlist for the final show on this leg of the tour.
  9. I've really let the disc settle in, and my verdict is that Icky Thump really brings it and is a Type-A personality record that never backs down. I will admit, that when I have a just a few minutes in the car, my first choices are either "Little Cream Soda", "I'm Slowly Turning Into You", or "A Martyr for My Love For You".....but I can listen straight through the whole disc and not think many times I want to skip. Tracks 6,7 and 9 are the the lesser tracks to me....but somehow they fit in with the wild, in-your-face vibe of the album.
  10. I agree with you. "Overboard" is an amazing and chilling EP......from the naive innocence of "The President's Dead" to the creepy and great vocal performance on the live "Westfall" (the little "ha-ha" before he sings "she ain't coming back again" sends chills down my back). It even has a nice Big Star cover. You should check out the other EP's....."Sleep and Wake-Up Songs" and "Black Sheep Boy Appendix". "Wake-Up Songs" includes a great, great tune called No Hidden Track and Black Sheep Boy Appendix EP is a MUST if you like the Black Sheep Boy LP. I cannot wait to hear this new record.
  11. I've been checking their website, and keep seeing nothing. Cool....thanks for the info.
  12. I cannot wait to hear this. Thanks for the mini review of it. Anyone hear anything about when and where they might be touring? I imagine dates will be announced any day now.
  13. I must confess I haven't listened to Lilli Schull all the way through since probably the first time I heard it. I've probably skipped over that song more than any other in my cd collection. Anodyne definitely has some great tunes on it.....I definitely don't dis-like it at all. I just prefer the giddi-ness of SFG and the dark, powerful tone of March.
  14. I agree with this. Though I may rank Anodyne ahead of No Depression.....Steal the Crumbs is a powerful song, knowing the band was done. March is getting a bit too dis-respected, in my opinion. Take out Lilli Schull (does ANYONE like this 'song'?), and that record is almost damned perfect....it's got a great classic sound to it. Still Feel Gone is great to me, 'cause I like its "balls-to-the-wall" approach on some of the songs. Can definitely tell the Dinosaur Jr. influence.
  15. Anyone seen or looking forward to the new Pixar movie? I have not seen the sneak previews yet, but will be in line opening weekend (June 29). I'm hearing really great things about this Brad Bird-directed movie. And, as a bonus, we'll get to see a teaser trailer for Wall*e (Pixar's 2009 feature) and a supposedly hilarious animated short called The Lifted. I predict Ratatouille will be one of, if not, THE best summer film.
  16. Okkervil River Spoon REM (I seriously doubt they'll be able to finish one by December, but if they do, I have one LAST hope that maybe...just maybe....they can bring back some of their old magic.)
  17. Great news for the folks of the Rocky Mountain state. Anyone think there's reason to be hopeful of a date in Kansas and/or Missouri? I'm guessing they'll play a few dates inbetween Denver (Sept 1 and 2) and Austin (Sept 14-16)
  18. Uneven, but very interesting...and good, in my opinion. I think so...if you're a fan of everything else Wilco. Yes. My favorite is an alternate version of Hummingbird....and a few others are nearly as great.
  19. I like "mistakes" on songs. I read that the Mama & Papas song, "I Saw Her Again Last Night", had a recording mess-up that was left on because Paul McCartney offered up the advice that it sounded better with the 'mistake'. It's at the part near the end where the singer says, "I saw her.....I saw her again last night...." He wasn't supposed to sing "I saw her" twice....but somehow that weird break makes the song.
  20. Either Way is an amazing tune...the sound, the feel, the lyrics. To me, it's so pure. When I hear people criticize the lyrics or Nels guitar solo or the mellow vibe...I get kind of defensive and pissed....so I go listen to it again to calm me down.
  21. I somewhat agree. But you have to figure the single is gonna be a funky, aggressive rocker to get some attention. For example, "I Wanna Be the Boy" is one of my favorite Stripes songs ever....but it would be very weird if it was the first single released. It was better to have "Seven Nation Army" boldly announce the arrival of Elephant. "Icky Thump" is saying, "yo....don't forget about Jack and Meg....we gotta a new disc coming out, and it's gonna rock your world."
  22. This thread inspired me to listen to Back to the Egg. The album ain't perfect, but it has great rockers (Getting Closer, Old Siam Sir) and other Wings gems like Arrow Through Me, Winter Rose-Love Awake and Daytime Nighttime Suffering. I respect the opinions of those who dis-like the Wings. But they're SO missing out....I feel bad for them.
  23. I think knows when he doesn't nail a vocal. But I don't think he cares too much. It adds character and human-ness to the songs/albums.
  24. Huh? I really like London Calling. It has a loose ragged quality that just sounds cool. And I may have played "Wings Greatest" (first album then on cd) more than any album ever....mostly when younger. I'd maybe swap Helen Wheels or Venus and Mars or Listen to What the Man Said with a couple tracks, but Wings Greatest is solid...in all its sometimes-cheesy 70's glory. "Hi-Hi-Hi" might be the highlight for me.
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