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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. You can watch the new Michel Gondry-directed video for "Dance Tonight" on youtube. It stars Natalie Portman. "Dance Tonight" is the opening song to McCartney's new album...out June 5. It's very simple, but very nice, I think.
  2. Yeah, you're right. But Farrar was still the first thing I thought when I heard the song. The 2nd thing I thought was that I have an idea for an avatar.
  3. Wait until this time next week...Maroon 5 will probably bring in as much. Or MORE. (Of course, Shrek 3....a movie that I hear is chock-full of toilet humor and not as good as the first 2 Shreks.....brought in 120 million last weekend.) Gotta love the USA.
  4. You're not nuts. My first thought when hearing "Hey Chicken" was that it written about Farrar...the song came out not long after some quotes from Farrar were circulating about Jeff being an a-hole in the Uncle Tupelo days. Farrar seemed a little off-base bringing up things from long ago. It probably was written thematically for the album, but who knows...I think it's a possibility that Tweedy had a couple things in mind when writing the song. And it may in fact be about specific "religious Right" people, but I don't think Loose Fur wants to mock ALL organized religion. Jeff has had quote
  5. If the disc only had "Hey Chicken" and "Wreckroom", I'd pay 15 bucks for it.
  6. Anyone who's not familiar with this band is seriously missing out. You can't go wrong with any of their LP's OR EP's. And I like the new song. Now I guess we wait for tour dates.
  7. My only problem with Pitchfork's review specifically, is that it's kind of the "go-to" site for people seeking out music. It's a shame to me that some people will see the very mediocre review on Pitchfork, and assume the album may not be worth the purchase. It's kind of like Ebert and Roeper giving thumbs down to a movie that you think is the coolest thing you've ever seen. "Two thumbs down?...that movie must really suck!". I WANT people to hear Sky Blue Sky. Pitchfork's ridiculously low rating may turn away a lot of music fans.
  8. His role in Copland was fantastic. And just a tiny bit of love for Rocky 1? That movie is so great. Stallone, whether intentional or not, played the Rocky character so perfect...his kind of dumb, sweet, likeable goofiness. The whole scene where he's skating with Adrianne was done beautifully. Stallone can be criticized for a lot of things (ahem...Cobra), but I don't think Rocky 1 deserves ANY.
  9. Listening to MA2 right now, and was thinking how sweet it'd be to hear Feed Of Man make its way back into the Wilco set. I think Glenn would be fantastic on the drums. And it has an overall raucous jammy feel that this version of Wilco would rip into.
  10. I don't like OR dislike the song. But it sounds like a good piece to a Spoon album. Does the new album sound like any of Spoon's earlier albums? Surely the album is more hook-filled than this single song is.
  11. Jeff's answer to this question, in my opion, is the right answer and should be the ONLY* answer. AVC: Back when you were a young rock 'n' roll fan, were you ever let down by a band that went in directions you weren't expecting? JT: No, I honestly can say I don't ever remember feeling that proprietarily toward any band. [Laughs.] There have definitely been bands that changed and I lost interest. But I didn't hold it against them. It wasn't something they did to me, like they disappointed me or let me down, because they still had their other records that I loved. And honestly, I've never
  12. Pitchfork, eat your heart out. Below is a review that, like Pitchfork, found SBS to be slightly above average. But what a difference in the execution! No "dad-rock" or Weather Channel references. Instead, we get comparisons to Lennon and McCartney and a much more fair and accurate description of Impossible Germany. | WILCO
  13. I left off Zaireeka because giving an album a 0.0 is silly and ridiculous....Pitchfork at its cutest. I love Pitchfork. Seriously. I love the news and they often point me in the direction of interesting bands. I just find it interesting that Wilco, one of the best bands going in America, gets some of the poorest ratings from a website that prides itself on sorting out for us dumb-folk what good music is. Sky Blue Sky may not deserve a 10 or 9 or 8.... But a 5.2? Yeah.....OK.
  14. Is Pitchfork fair to Wilco? Below is Wilco's album ratings with 10 of their contemporary bands' album ratings. Notice at the very bottom, that Wilco makes up almost all the worst 5. WILCO: Being There - 6.8 Mermaid Ave. One - 7.8 Summerteeth - 9.4 Mermaid Ave. Two - 6.3 YHF - 10 A Ghost is Born - 6.6 Sky Blue Sky - 5.2 WHITE STRIPES: White Stripes - 8.3 De Stijl - 9.0 White Blood Cells - 9.0 Get Behind Me Satan - 7.3 BUILT TO SPILL: Perfect From Now On - 9.2 Ancient Melodeis - 8.6 Keep It Like A Secret - 9.3 You In Reverse - 6.8 MODEST MOUSE This Is Long Drive - 6.8 Moon and Antar
  15. To me, the best and most accurate thing I've read in ANY SBS review: "I can also understand a lot of the present and future complaints with Sky Blue Sky, because at various points I
  16. Pitchfork is a very worthy music site, but they can be baffling at times. The below quotes could almost apply for Sky Blue Sky, but are actually Pitchfork quotes from an album that got an 8.2 rating: "beautiful moments-- even when the songs themselves aren't particularly engrossing" "The (album) is so confident that its strangeness could easily go unnoticed" "meandering tunefully through subtle but effective changes in texture and tone" "doesn't provoke deep absorption or self-reflection so much as a kind of fond familiarity" These are quotes from Bonnie "Prince" Billy's very goo
  17. Yeah, why see a mediocre-good movie, when you can see masterpieces like.... 28 Weeks Later 300 Are We Done Yet Delta Farce Disturbia Georgia Rule Fracture Grindhouse Lucky You Meet the Robinsons Next Shooter Wild Hogs
  18. Half-way through, I remember thinking, "this is great....fun, entertaining, funny..." Then, yes, it fell apart under the weight of too damn many characters and stories. But, c'mon...I've seen a TON of summer blockbusters worse than Spiderman 3. My opinion is that Raimi needed another 6 months to get the movie where it could have been.
  19. Bloomed Devotion and Doubt Since Hill Impasse
  20. Being There will ALWAYS be my favorite Wilco album, even if they make one that's better. I don't think I can explain that, so I won't even try.
  21. Ditto. It's so full of surprises. The highlight for me is "1917".
  22. I was so-so on the actor choice for Sandman. But I liked the character's back-story. The Harry character was dealt with horribly...I couldn't stand him half-way through. The last thing I wanted to root for was for Spidey to be helped out by Harry. I loved the way they used Topher Grace as the competing photographer. It added a lot of humor and entertainment to the first 2/3 of the film. Spiderman - 8.5/10 Spiderman 2 - 10/10 Spiderman 3 - 7/10
  23. Ha. THAT'S who he looked like. I agree with the first reply to this post. Had it been agreed to make a 3rd and 4th Spiderman, the 3rd could have been darker and focused more on jealousy and revenge...maily focused on Harry/Goblin and MJ and the start of Venom and Sandman. Then the 4th could have had been nothing but Spiderman vs. Venom and Sandman. Spiderman 3, to me, had a great buildup...but as it got near the end, I knew there was no way they could tie up all the stories that were dancing around. And I found myslef wanting Harry/Goblin to be killed off...he wasn't likeable at all.
  24. I agree that it's a nice piece of music. It's just too short. In a Venus/Vine competition, I'd take Venus.
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