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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Umm.....Palin wasn't running for President. I don't have have any quotes, but I know Al Gore took MANY jabs at Bush. John Kerry as well....and Kerry WAS an aspiring President. And is Palin "lying" or just distorting and/or illuminating? Please tell me what lies she's said. And you know what, Obama's a big boy. I think he can handle a sassy author throwing out insults.
  2. Many smart people also assumed that if they voted for McCain, he'd survive 4 years.....a very good assumption to make, as we have to go back to Kennedy to see when that didn't happen. When I cast my vote, I NEVER thought I might be casting a vote for the VP to maybe be President.....NEVER. I figured there was maybe a 1% chance that either nominee wouldn't survive in the White House. And I NEVER considered health an issue. McCain has proven to be a very tough cookie. I'd argue that I'd have more concern over Obama's well-being. I could imagine more crazies going after him than McCain. And i
  3. Many good ones have been mentioned so far. But my Top 10 would include the following 2, who haven't been mentioned yet (!): Victoria Williams Lisa Germano
  4. Were you on the moon during Bush's last few years? There were THOUSANDS of Sarah Palin types.....many in the media....who distorted and criticized Bush almost every waking moment.
  5. On this forum, it's alwasy assumed and a given that the Democratic candidate is better than the Republican. If you don't vote Democrat in every election, you're a nutjob. Many very smart, well-thinking, great people had their own good reasons to cast a vote for McCain. In their, minds, HE was the better candidate. They didn't vote for him because they're racist or homophobes or Glenn-Beck-T-shirt-Wearing sheep. They just thought he'd make the better President. Just like people who voted Obama, thought Barack would make the better President. Atticus' posts on this thread have been right o
  6. Oh, well of course. In fact, I think we should blame Palin for some of Obama's fuck ups as well.
  7. Do you feel better? What do you suggest? Should we ban people from going around criticizing our President?
  8. A good amount (but big minority) of people thought it was a better idea to have John McCain be president than to have Obama be President. They weren't voting for Palin. Worse than all this.....the ultimate fear-mongerer, Al Gore, actually WON the popular vote in a Presidential election!! THAT'S scary. Stop worrying about Palin folks. You all might worry more about the current President. (You all MUST check out the SNL Obama skit.....great stuff.)
  9. Personally, I like Sarah Palin. But I'd never expect nor want her to be on any future Presidential ticket. I think she'd have ZERO chance of winning. I don't quite understand people's concern and/or worry about what she says or doesn't say or whether people like her or not. She seems like a decent human being and many people respect her for some of the things she believes in....big deal. SNL had a funny disaster skit about Palin and Glenn Beck running together in 2012. Pretty clever. BUT... while many are getting their panties in a bunch over an unelected mother of 4, their elect
  10. Thinking about possibly spending eternity in a good place with my loved ones helps me keep my chin up in rough times and helps me try to do things right. I've accepted and understand that life ain't always easy and/or fun. It's how we deal with it and get through it that matters. I have a friend who had a tragic accident many years ago...was almost paralyzed. Now he has many physical and psychological things he fights with. BECAUSE of what he went through, he doesn't believe in God. He can't imagine a loving, caring God doing that. I've tried to explain that it's not for us to know all the
  11. I really don't feel like going into why God's so important in my life. A lot of it is personal. I can't imagine living my life with the thought that God does not exist. I have no idea how to answer that. You and other Atheists can believe whatever you want to believe. It sounds like we both try to be good honest people, and that's the #1 important thing for all people in the world to coexist.
  12. It's impossible to argue faith. We obviously believe things so differently, that it seems almost foolish to say what I think about your post, 'cause you'll find what I say to be as silly as what I think it is you're saying. But, what the hell... I'm not "coping" by imagining better lives for those with crappy existences. I'm simply hoping and wishing and praying for that to be the case. As a Catholic, I believe praying for those unfortunate and those who don't believe can make a difference in the world. I don't think Believers are trying to make sense of the world. In fact, most Believers
  13. I think of toddlers that die, or kids in horrific murders, or parents of murdered kids, or people paralyzed for life, or people with mental problems, or the billions of kids born into poverty in 3rd world countries.... It's sad to me to think that these people have shitty existences, then just die. I imagine these people getting a chance to REALLY live after this life. I imagine it being a heavenly existence, but who knows....maybe they get to lead another life after this one. Obviously, I don't know for sure. This is just what I feel....and what I think many believers feel. We all have ou
  14. Just a curious bystander here. If it's true that Atheists don't believe in any God or a creator or a reason for our existence, I've always wondered what they think happens to people after death. Do they simply not know and/or don't care? Do they expect to it be total "lights out"...just nothingness? Do they think there's a possibility of reincarnation? If so, who's controlling that? Are they open to the possibility that if they've led a good and caring life they might be given the chance to spend eternity somewhere? If so, would they rather be able to exist in eternity in some sort of "hea
  15. Off the top of my head, for sure: Old Country for Old Men Mystic River You Can Count On Me Lord of the Rings (Two Towers) Spiderman 2 And I don't remember seeing a Pixar mention, so... The Incredibles Wall-E Monster's Inc.
  16. Sheff's shouting has become a little annoying during live shows. Okkervil's early records are really subtle and beautiful and sans shouting. Black Sheep Boy had a little bit of it, but it works awesomely. Sounds wierd, but it's hard to enjoy Okkervil River live at times 'cause Sheff isn't always easy to watch....he's a little over-dramatic at times (and not in a good way.) M. Ward's music and the way he played seemed too artsy-fartsy or precious or something. Can't explain exactly why I didn't like it. Probably not fair to judge him from 30 minutes of performance.
  17. Okkervil River is one of my favorite bands, but I'm not always liking their verions of songs live. I DO love Sheff's energy passion and energy, though. I'm not familiar with M. Ward, and what I saw didn't do anything for me. I agree about Bird.
  18. I can read the recent pro-WTWTA posts and understand why they like it. And maybe I can understand Jonze's intent. And though hard, I can maybe agree that Max DID learn from the monsters and became a boy who understands his mom better. All that said, for me, it doesn't change the fact that the time on the island was dull and frustrating and boring and painful to listen to. I don't care how anybody spins it, or how much psycho-babble is needed to explain why the monsters talked like they did, I just found the dialogue to be so awful and so un-interesting. I wanted it to end 10 minutes after Ma
  19. I should let this go. We all see movies differently. I thought LOT of this movie was brilliant....the real life scenes, the sound, the music, the creature design, the visuals... But I've had a hard time figuring out how to explain what bothered me about the movie. Thanks to the internet, thousands of opinions can be found on just about anything. I found this lengthy review from someone named Daniel on a Christian website. I think he hits on a lot things that I agree with...I bolded some of it. As far as production value is concerned, this film is phenomenal. Everything from the visual eff
  20. Yes. Perhaps Jonze should have added a couple F-words to give it an 'R' rating.....THEN film-goers could go watch it in an art-house and maybe anticipate that this would be a more adult film. If a movie is rated PG and is based on a very well-known children's book, it's almost expected that it will be entertaining in a more conventional way. I can understand the idea that the Wild Things were all elements of Max's personality and that it is why they were troubled and not very articulate. But even if interesting on a psycological, thinking-man's level, I struggle to see how any of it is en
  21. I agree that Lennon carried the White Album. But it just wouldn't be the quirky, imperfect masterpiece it is without Rocky Raccoon, Helter Skelter, Why Don't We Do It In The Road... I marvel at Paul's contributions on songs that weren't his. "Come Together" and "Something" are fantastic John and Goerge songs, but it's Paul's bass that sucks me in.
  22. I'll agree that everything in the movie that wasn't on the Wild Things' island was VERY well done. It was understated, powerful, artistic, emotional....and the way the monsters were created and looked was perfect. (Except one thing....I was sympathetic to Max up until he stood on the table and screamed and BIT his Mom. Do many kids do that?) For me, WTWTA failed big time when Max was with the creatures. I found a few random critics' opinions that I agree with: "the talking beasts Max meets on an island sound like refugees from a failed Woody Allen comedy. Whining, griping, fighting,
  23. Have you seen WTWTA? What do you think of it? I retracted my silly and irrational statement....that's obviously subjective. But I thought the scenes on the island were very poor and goofy. Tell me why you think they weren't.
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