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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Hard to say which I prefer, but I might give a slight edge to Astral Weeks. Into the Music could also be my favorite Morrison album ... I just couldn't say.
  2. I suspect that those of us who heard A.M. when it came out tend to appreciate it more. Or am I wrong?
  3. Seriously. Don't assume that I consider any musicians to be heroes, or that you know what I want them to present. These things are not "clear." I just want my favorite musicians to play good music. I couldn't care less if that music is "life-affirming" or "trancends [sic] art."
  4. Yeah, those guys are actually pretty good. Their "George" has that little dance down perfectly. Plus, they have a left-handed McCartney, which is a bonus. They're a good act to see from the back of the balcony. Up close ... not so much.
  5. Only two Pac-10 teams* will make it to the Sweet Sixteen
  6. Probably. One of my favorite bits. Also, I don't really care for "Walken." So I guess we're opposites on this one.
  7. Standing on the corner with his guitar case, holding a sign: "Will play for Diet Coke"
  8. Of course, looking at the picture again, he hasn't covered his head with the towel, so I'm probably very wrong.
  9. ...in which we learn that cameramen in the pit just move side to side all night long. Jesus. Annoying.
  10. Maybe that's why he pulled the towel over his head. If the trainers were going to force him to use a wheelchair for a shoulder separation, he didn't want to be seen doing so. Just a (lame) theory.
  11. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I actually wish they'd finished a little worse, because there'd be no doubt about firing Amaker.
  12. Kansas will not make it to the Final Four
  13. So all you drummers, keyboardists, and pedal-steel players, stop sitting down on the job!
  14. Aside from the screams, not really -- they were pretty much note for note. And that's how the records had been recorded in the first place: live in the studio.
  15. You should have asked them why the hell their band needed two drummers.
  16. I've got news for you ... before the advent of overdubbing, that's exactly what they did. You're missing the point. This is an intellectual exercise as much as anything -- they're not attempting to recreate a Beatles live show, they're just speculating as to what a subsequent Beatles album might have sounded like. If that's "pathetic" to you, don't go.
  17. Oops. - - - - - - - - - - - - Army surgeon general forced to retire By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago The Army forced its surgeon general, Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley, to retire, officials said Monday, the third high-level official to lose his job over poor outpatient treatment of wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Kiley, who headed Walter Reed from 2002 to 2004, has been a lightning rod for criticism over conditions at the Army's premier medical facility, including during congressional hearings last week. Soldiers and their families have compl
  18. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  19. Dolan proves what an idiot he is. Either that, or those photos Isiah has of him are even more embarrassing than I thought.
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