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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. let's just bankrupt the country over this ridiculous war. IMO it's a civil war and we no longer belong there. it's been going on for centuries. remember when we had a surplus of money and no Nat'l debt in this country? ahh the good ole days...
  2. yeah, me too. however, I think Chavez is confused about what a tyrant is.
  3. this guy is scary and out of control
  4. the probably just 'weren't thinking' about that.
  5. I don't understand why they have to arrest the people that posted these around the city rather than fine Turner Broadcasting for the cost of interrupting traffic, etc
  6. embiggen


    actually, the commercial I like has a song by the Teddybears on it. my bad.
  7. by all indications, they have wet themselves.
  8. embiggen


    no, it's some song that I've never heard before. but I like it.
  9. embiggen


    hey, I was wondering who that was on the Caddy commercial. I dig that song.
  10. sure, go right ahead! hope he doesn't take offense that I took some liberties and stole the title of the new album.
  11. sky blue sky my heart is racing and I'm pie eyed the things you share restore grace and my faith in mankind the possibilities of making strangers into true friends shines through your smile and endless wisdom you so freely share thank you for making my sky blue sky
  12. I go between sleeping on my back to curled up on my side, with a pillow between my legs. that keeps my back from hurting. also, if I lay in bed too long, my body gets sore as hell.
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