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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. you insult people on here on and off all the time and always have. I was and am sympathetic towards your situation. but I am sick of the back and forth with you. I'm not off the reservation. I'm stating a fact that you can't shut your mouth if someone displeases you or isn't 'smart' enough. I'm sick of it. you talk about how people post from work all day and bitch about this and that and you do the same thing. I'm plenty calm. just leave me out of your diatribe, movie quote or not. just end it.
  2. so what. care to make anymore judgements on me or anyone else since you seem to know everything about everyone and can't keep your mouth shut? I say and post what I want so back off.
  3. how do you know? you must have looked back at him. you have the hots for him, just admit it.
  4. happy birthday young man. don't walk away, have some champange. :party :party
  5. you would love this park. they have a new bike and walking path with grasses put down to attract heron, egrets, comerants, kingfishers...it is so incredibly cool. it just opened this summer. here's the great blue:
  6. fantastical bike ride! however, the great heron that hangs out at the park was missing. I hope he hasn't migrated for the season
  7. why didn't I get eyedrops when I went to the drugstore? why? WHY?
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