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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. thank you so much. it means a lot to get some love from people, whether you see them face to face or not. I love you guys!
  2. thanks again everyone! I just heard from the vet's office. they think she may have a herniated disk, but their x-ray machine is down, so they can't check that. she's dehydrated and in pain. giving her meds and stuff, but basically, she's a just really old cat. she's never ever been sick like this. bloodwork results should be back tomorrow. all we can do is watch her and see how she does. probably get an x-ray later.
  3. well, I'm not sure what's going to happen, but my cat, which I have had for almost 20 years, is not looking too good. yesterday and this morning, her backside was dropping and her equilibrium seems to be off. even though she seems to be eating pretty good, drinking and going to the bathroom, this isn't a good sign for a cat her age. it may seem silly to some to ask for vibes for a cat, but she is like a child to me. when she goes, I will be inconsolable. thanks in advance.
  4. was thinking of a series of dreams Where nothing comes up to the top. Everything stays down where it's wounded And comes to a permanent stop. Wasn't thinking of anything specific, Like in a dream, when someone wakes up and screams. Nothing truly very scientific, Just thinking of a series of dreams. Thinking of a series of dreams Where the time and the tempo drag, And there's no exit in any direction 'Cept the one that you can't see with your eyes. Wasn't making any great connections, Wasn't falling for any intricate schemes. Nothing that would pass inspection, Just thinking of a series of dr
  5. well aren't I just the bummer of the bunch.
  6. my guess would be yes, it's done for. water can't be good for it.
  7. I like most of what I have heard from her, but I'm damn sick of that song and I don't even watch that much tv any more.
  8. I haven't had a fried turkey in a very long time.
  9. I had the awesome privilege of seeing her and the Dap Kings at The Apollo on my birthday. also saw them over the Summer at Castle Clinton in Battery Park. both excellent and fun shows. she is very gifted as well and I enjoyed every bit of both shows!
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