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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I LOVE FRANK ZAPPA! he was one of the best music composers of our time. my very fave is Joe's Garage. I'm kind of short on words because I'm finishing up at work to go on vacation next week, but I always thought it might be fun to be a crew slut!
  2. I knew someone would say that. bong hits are no longer an obsession with me. true story! actually, I should probably change the last one to reading and writing poetry.
  3. music acupuncture gardening yoga watching people
  4. dude, where did you go to college? Vandy?
  5. they will play "What Light" and dedicate it to Jerry Falwell.
  6. why don't you say what you really think?
  7. you got it! I've got my discount coupons. they have everything!
  8. I would buy it today, but there are no record stores around here, downtown that is, that I'm aware of. besides, I will be purchasing it from a local record shop in Hoboken. I'll be doing my part to support the locals.
  9. I'll probably be buying this on Saturday. does that work for you?
  10. classic! also, I dislike the Eagles about as much as I dislike Bob Seger.
  11. I KNOW! every week there is a new one. just before Chrissy died, he said 'that's the flying ointment.' I would love to be on the set watching some of these guys try to say these crazy, befuddled lines.
  12. you should enjoy this attention! you deserve it!
  13. actually, I think it worked without paying because I have a confirm email.
  14. I want to do this, but I don't want to pay $2.
  15. psychedelic drugs usually bring about some sort of catharsis.
  16. I was not at all surprised that Tony smothered Christufuh in the end. Tony really is just a totally detestable human being. I think this is building up to something terrible happening to him.
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