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Posts posted by c53x12

  1. The best thing ever is Robert Mitchum going "Well pardon me all over the place!" to Nick Nolte in Cape Fear.

    Didn't DeNiro play the original Mitchum part in the remake with Nolte? Or was Mitchum in there too somewhere?

  2. For me the 70s are significant because of the awesome divergence of popular music styles -- rock, hard rock, disco, bubblegum, motown, philly soul, the beatles -- that began in the 60s and really accelerated in the 70s. It was also the decade that I moved from listening to "Rubber Ducky" on a 45-rpm to listening to Zeppelin on FM radio stations coming out of NYC. My musical tastes really froze during the late 80s and early 90s, but in the 70s I would listen to anything and everything and loved it all.

  3. When someone with his well-honed public image gets that bent out of shape, no matter who the person, it makes me a little suspicious. I have no idea whether Clinton did all he could do with regard to bin Laden, etc. But if he didn't, and he feels bad about it now, I doubt he'd come forward and own up to it and talk about it. In case you haven't noticed, coming clean and telling the truth aren't necessarily this man's strong suits. Still, I could be wrong, which is why I reserve judgment on this whole issue.


    It didn't strike me as wrong for him to get bent out of shape in this interview. If anything, I found it a refreshing change from the "Slick Willie" P.R. persona that he displayed during his years in office, where nothing got him bent out of shape.

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