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Everything posted by Jesusetc84

  1. Yeah. I hear elements of all 6 Wilco previous albums.
  2. SBS is the really crappy hiccup between two masterpieces for me. Impossible Germany was a great song, but the rest was really meh. W(TA) is freaking genius.
  3. If Bull Black Nova got me pregnant, I'd saunter around in a dress and plan my baby shower.
  4. This is...I am speechless. I don't want to lay on wanky hyperbole..but this is the best American rock album since Foxtrot. I give this 6 out of 5 stars.
  5. distortedll4835@gmail.com I will give a kidney seriously.
  6. Me too...but I'm twitching cause I partied too hard the other night...still anticipation too.
  7. I'll download the leak, then buy the album. Then buy the version with the EP.
  8. I just can't get over it...a camel.
  9. I don't care what it means or why it is. It's a 7' tall, 1500 lb walking w. With a party hat. I can't think of anything more outrageously funny.
  10. Wow, way to make a good first impression.
  11. I am 8 shades of stoked for their new record.
  12. True. And also there are tons of musicians with awful taste.
  13. Yeah I mean, if any other band had put out SBS, I would've probably given up after the 2nd listen. But I tried to squeeze some enjoyment out of it. There are maybe 3 songs I love and 3 or 4 others I like.
  14. Here's a problem with music critics in general; most aren't actually musicians. So instead of valuing say a great chord progression, or a melody line which is original, they tend to go with things that are more tangeible and universal like a good drum beat, cool samples, lyrics that they feel speak to certain issues. That's why someone like M.I.A. is treated like the second coming, and songs more traditional and melodic based often get written off.
  15. I'm more of a Nirvana guy than a Pearl Jam guy so...I kind of liked it. Though on an objective level, the idea of Ten not being on the list in order to feature an album that sold 1600 copies is pretty silly. Still it was kind of cool finding a publication that wrote about music that other people weren't. I personally wouldn't have found Wilco, The Flaming Lips, Neutral Milk Hotel and several other great bands without Pitchfork. As much as I've outgrown them, and started to hate some of their attitudes towards music, I can't deny that they got me into several of my favorite albums and bands.
  16. Yeah I mean, I was 19 years old when I heard YHF. That was the perfect type of record for me. I actually had more trouble getting into Wilco's country tunes than getting into Wilco's noisey tunes or expiremental tunes if you will. I have a hard time believing that YHF brought tons of "grown-ups" into the fold who weren't already there, or that the younger people who are Wilco fans now were brought into the fold by UT and Being There.
  17. When I first found pitchfork I loved them...I saw their top 100 albums of the 90s and was like "OMG, a top 100 with no Pearl Jam, Metallica, and Nine Inch Nails? this site rocks!!!" I liked that they were willing to knock a band regardless of who they are. I don't think bands should automatically get gold stars just because "Hey we liked their last album." or "They did something really important 5 years ago." That being said, I begin noticing that they were writing off bands for really arbitrary reasons, and praising bands for equally arbitrary reasons. So while I like pitchfork in theory
  18. True. But like, the sales difference between Being There and YHF when you think about it, is pretty minor. 350k to 500k sales difference. It's not like the difference of a break out between say, a Smashing Pumpkins album that sells 100k and one that sells 5 million copies. I'm not saying that younger people in their late teens early 20s are any sort of majority of the Wilco fan base; I'm just saying YHF took it from maybe like 1% of the Wilco fan base being under 25 to 10-15% of it.
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