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Posts posted by a.miller

  1. So, I've recently gotten a Jazzmaster (as I mentioned in a couple threads). I have a tremolo arm problem. The tremolo works just fine, but I feel like the angle of the actual arm should be greater. I only have about 1.5" of distance between the tip of the arm and the body. This really limits the amount of "tremolo-ness" I can perform. In looking at other examples -- Nels Cline, etc. -- it seems like their tremolo arms stick up higher or have a greater angle, allowing for the arm to travel toward the body further. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. I agree with Kim -- college is a wonderful resource to have. I just accepted a position where I will be much happier than I am now, but with way less pay. This new position would not require a college degree (which I have). However, I know that I will always have my degree to fall back on. Always. That calming piece of insurance in the back of my mind is worth the small fortune I paid for my degree. So, yeah it does suck you have four papers to complete. What doesn't suck is that fact that when you have a construction job and want to say fuck it, you can apply your degree to something and bail yourself out. And I can assure you, pushing papers around a desk from 9-5 everyday isn't any more fun that writing essays at 4am. Enjoy it while you can.

  3. I can't tell if the Grammys matter or matter anymore. I think it's a subjective argument. I think most of the music on the Grammys is pretty poor. A lot of it is not written by the artists that perform it -- a sticking point of negativity for me. On one hand, you have really "made it" if you win a Grammy -- no doubting that -- you are a rich, successful musician. But long gone are the days of bands winning a Grammy from being a "nobody". The last time I remember a small-name band winning, it was our boys in Wilco. For me, I wish there was a playing field where the greater eye of the public could witness bands like the National and the Foo Fighters on the same stage....oh how I wish.

  4. WOo! This show is good. I finally got caught up.


    My new hypothesis: The Oceanic Six make their return to "normal life" only to realize that their lives have become terrible. They long to return to the island and also want to prevent everyone else from being found; knowing that their lives will see a similar unhappy fate.

  5. Greetings to the VCers of the west coast! I got a job in Hollywood this week and will be moving in two weeks. I landed a pretty good gig in the music/recording industry. Anyway, I'm excited. Just had to share.

  6. I've bought many guitars in my days. I'll say what others have said -- it doesn't matter if it's price, name...whatever. You gotta have that one to speak to you. The mojo is what counts. If you love that AJ, don't get rid of it cause the Jazzmaster will be worth more later or something. What if it is worth more and you love it to death? Are you gonna sell it for $5k in 10 years? Stick with the AJ.

  7. I think SBS is good, but not better than the record that came before it, which is how I felt with all of the band's other material. Not trying to cause a stir either. However, I still think some of the band's best material is on SBS. Impossible Germany is fantastic, so is You Are My Face and Sky Blue Sky (the song) is a wonderful, dusty roller of a song. As a whole album I just don't feel the cohesion I felt with past releases.

  8. That's what you get for having a life outside of Lost.
    You can watch it at ABC.com tomorrow.

    I'm ashamed....and I understand.


    EDIT: btw, Anyone have any ideas as to what the over-arcing storyline is this season? People get off the island...maybe...

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