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Posts posted by a.miller

  1. I ordered a pre-cut body from Warmoth, which is nice cause it was already made and I got it quick. I ordered a custom neck from Musikraft that will be here in 8 weeks (:o) . I've been frequenting this forum at reranch.com/reranch that has been a HUGE help. I bet if you asked about your chrome spring cover they might know. Are you looking for something like an "ashtray" cover that telecasters have?

  2. I started building a guitar over the holidays and have learned a lot of stuff. So much, that as I do things on the guitar I'm building, I think to go look at things on my other (factory built) guitars. So, the other night I shielded the body of my Strat. I bought this shielding tape and put it all in the pickup cavities and control cavities. I used to never use the neck or bridge pickup by itself cause the hum was so bad -- the tape cured this, 100%. It even made the tone better. So, if you want a quick and cheap little project, I suggest doing this to any single-coil guitar.

  3. Thanks for your advice. Monster currently has what they call the "Job Search Agent". When you initially setup your profile, you enter a bunch of job criteria, etc. Then, on a daily basis, this "agent" spits jobs out to you via email. I've very diligent about applying since November -- numerous resumes per week. I guess I'm just feeling down on my luck. I know nothing in this world is handed to people, but damn -- I need a new job already! :)

  4. Has anyone had any good results with using Monster.com? I've been researching and applying for jobs that I'm very qualified, and even over-qualified for, and I'm not seeing any good responses. I have sent my resume to 50, yes 50 companies. I have never been contacted when my resume was sent through Monster.com's application process. When a company posts their email address, I contact them directly. Then and only then have I received any form of a reply. I am beginning to think Monster is a bullshit service.


    I would really appreciate any suggestions. I have to find a job in Los Angeles in the next two months.

  5. Anyone have anymore comments on these things? It seems like the most common complaints are that it takes you a rather indirect route (not freeways) and that the info on gas stations and restaurants is very out of date. I'm moving to Los Angeles in a couple months and am really considering getting one.

  6. Congrats -- it's a good-looking axe. I think you made the right choice.

    Thanks! The bad news is, despite it being brand spankin' new, it was fretting out on the 12th and 15th frets. I took it to the local luthier and he is backlogged for three weeks :o So, my new prize is waiting in the shop for a setup.

  7. Is it even possible to have high-bitrate songs play on an iPod? I thought even if you rip them at 320, they still get compressed or converted to 128 when you put them on your iPod. Either way, music is totally fucked these days for a whole number of reasons. The bitrate and compresssion issues really only matter to a small minority -- I don't like it, but it's true. You can't tell me that people who buy Avril Lavigne records give one fat shit about bitrate and sound quality -- and that's the the issue. Most people don't realize how lousy most pop music is, let alone that it's compressed, etc.

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