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Posts posted by a.miller

  1. I might be getting a Jazzmaster. I am stuck on a color -- surf green or sunburst. The sunburst seems classic, while the surf green seems cool. I'm not sure what color would be a better "vibe". I currently have a sunburst strat, which makes me lean a little to the surf green. Any thoughts?


    I am not interested in the sparkly Mascis one.

  2. Mom and sis are getting fleece jackets. Dad's getting a USB hard drive. USB hubs for the whole family.


    When I was in high school, me and another family I am really good friends with used to go buy whole sets of winter clothes. We'd get hats, jackets, boots and the whole bit. Then we split it all up into individual bags of outfits. We'd take the bags and go down the soup kitchen and give the outfits out to the people that were standing in the cold for their Christmas meal. That act has always put things in perspective for me.

  3. you know how the VC hype machine more often scares me off checking shit out than anything, but i'm currently listening to that Bon Iver album and i'll be damned if isn't downright gorgeous sounding.

    Where did you locate this album? I can't seem to land a copy.

  4. 1. Andrew Bird -- Armchair Apocrypha

    2. Josh Ritter -- Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter

    3. (edit) The National -- Boxer (how the hell I forgot that one...)

    4. Dr. Dog -- We All Belong

    5. Band of Horses -- Cease to Begin

  5. "Individual pickup in/out phase"


    what do these do?

    I think....but could be wrong....that it allows you to get either a single-coil or humbucker sound. Cause isn't a humbucker two single-coils wound in opposite? You push or pull some button and it turns into a single coil and vice versa -- making it in phase (single) and out (humbucker). I could be way off base.

  6. Superbad.



    Let me also add: Old School.


    There is a movie place where I live that serves food and beers in the theatre while you watch the movie -- it is awesome. Anyway, having (somehow) never heard of Old School, my friend and I had ourselves a little smoke and staggered into the theatre. What a surprise. I have never laughed so hard as when they're dancing and the guy sings, "every now and then I get a little bit lonely when I see the fuckin' look in your eyes..."

  7. While waiting for another purchase to be cased up for him, he happened to spy upon the wall a limited edition Breedlove Revival 000 12-fret Calendar guitar (from the 2006 Calendar Series). After playing that guitar for a few minutes, he requested that it be added to the bill, and walked out of the store with it.
    Oh....if it were only that easy. See -- I could do that too, but I'd be cursing my Visa bill for the next two years. :)
  8. I would do as the other poster says -- drop a humbucker in the neck position of your strat ~$100 to $150. That would leave you $300 to $400 to spend on an amp. Get a little Fender Pro Junior or Blues Junior -- all tube and sound great. Plug that strat it, put it on that new humbucker pickup and roll your tone off -- a lot. Bang. Great Jazz tone.

  9. such as paying monthly subscription fees to the music industry for their students, on penalty of losing all financial aid for their students.

    Isn't that racketeering? or extortion? Pay us a fee for music or we're gonna pull your student loans? WTF!?!


    What a great idea -- totally fuck the educational system so the music/movie industry doesn't have to come up with a some what modern business plan.


    I'd like to know how big of a kickback Napster and Ruckus are giving. Making schools pay for their service? You gotta me kidding me. There are some SCARY tactics present in this country right now.

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