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Posts posted by a.miller

  1. If you're gonna be using the Barney Kessel the most, I'd keep your pickups on the middle setting. Maybe roll off your treble pickup to about 70% of the volume your rhythm pickup is at, and also roll your treble tone off a little bit. I find, when using an ES-335, that if I'm playing more rhythm these settings work pretty well.


    Then, if you need to pick some notes, you can just flip down to the treble pickup and get a little extra sparkle to your tone.


    Quick note on the Prunes and Custard -- I might avoid this as a 3 piece. I almost never use mine live; just recording.

  2. A little late in coming back to this thread, but I got a high-quality capture of this from PBS Digital. It looks and sounds great, but weighs in at 4.8 Gb. I'm really not sure if it's possible to convert it to some other format that would maintain quality but be smaller in size.


    If I could find a way to do that or upload my huge file, I would be happy to share.

  3. Simulating drowning is pretty damn terrible. I can't believe our current administration can justify this bullshit. The United States is supposed to be better than that shit, and try to stop it from happening -- not participate in it. It's absolutely disgusting.

  4. Cool thoughts all around. Didn't know AVS was such a "poor" source of info. I agree on taking most info on the Internet with a grain of salt. However, I still think you can get some good info if you filter the information well enough.


    EDIT: BTW, I was only trying to be helpful in steering people to AVS. Your tone seemed pretty unhappy, while perhaps not directed squarely at me, I was only trying to help.

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