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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. I'm so relieved that no one has used this thread to dredge up the topic of tubgirl again
  2. maybe I'll tickle the rims if I drink enough
  3. please add an option for "tie game" that's what I'm voting for
  4. is this event still on despite the writers' strike?
  5. I hate to have to remind you people but W is guided by Jesus. Better watch your tongues, I hear He frequents this place.
  6. I realize that you were just demonstrating a point, but saying "titties bad" is like making a cartoon about allah in my book please be careful
  7. attitude and confidence can be damn sexy as well (and boobs, big or small)
  8. I don't see how any of this is going to lead to me seeing more boobs just sayin'
  9. well, I do love myself on occasion, but I was speaking about teh wife
  10. could someone just PM me whom I'm supposed to find smoking hot? I'm hot for this one...
  11. I'm just happy to serve some kind of a role around here, however pedestrian
  12. changing from E to F#: normally when you depress the low E string at the fifth fret, it makes the same note as the open A string tune the low E up until when you depress the string at the 3rd fret, it makes the same note as the open A string changing from G to F#: normally when you depress the fifth fret on the D string, it is the same note as the open G string. Tune the G string down a half step until it is in tune with the fourth fret on the D string changing the A to a B: tune the B string up a whole step until when you depress the B string on the 3rd fret, it makes the same no
  13. "I'll show her my pink man"
  14. you wouldn't believe me if I told you
  15. I'm not sure whether the shiver I experience is from the posted phenomenon or just from jude pinching off my happystick towards the end when the dribble's coming. he always does that...
  16. I once had an aunt (she was actually a cousin) whom we referred to as aunt lil (short for lillian) that's all I've got
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