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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. please elaborate. Is Bush treasonous? If that was another attempt at accusing me of thinking that anyone who hates Bush is treasonous, then I have obviously not stated my position clearly enough. I think it's fantastic that people are able to call bush a moron, and not have to worry about suffering consequences as a result. I think it's fine that people completely disagree with his track record--I have many problems with the man as well. But how is anyone contributing to the solution to our problems by calling Bush Hitler or stating that he should be executed, etc.? what does that accom
  2. Funny, but if a few adjectives ("considerable" instead of "reasonable") and nouns ("she" for "he" etc.) were switched around, that's exactly how I describe Hillary Clinton. I am by no means a Bush apologist. I think he's made some profound mistakes. I just get tired of the conspiracy theories and downright hatred. We are in an unprecedented time in our nation's history, and the monday-morning quarterbacking too quickly turns from reasoned and valid objection or criticism to frighteningly treasonous vitriol.
  3. Is "With a Happy Eye, but... : America and the World, 1997--2002" worth picking up?
  4. what is the democrats' strategy at this point with regard to terrorism and foreign relations in general (other than "Bush bad")? I think you make valid points about the tunnelvision of both sides (bleeding hearts vs. kill 'em all). So who around has the right balance, in your opinion?
  5. Very good points. Thank you for clarifying your position rather than resorting to smart-ass insults.
  6. that's why I asked the poster if he was serious, to which he replied that he was. Clicky
  7. what an absurd piece of inferencing. I do not think that someone who criticizes Bush hates America. I was commenting on the fact that many critics of this administration seem to live in a dream world in which fundamentalist islamics never had a problem with the United States until George Bush became president.
  8. I am fed up with certain aspects of his tenure as President as well. But I don't think that he is too stupid to read a book, which is what started this whole discussion in the first place.
  9. so you're calling for all congressional conservatives to be nailed to crosses and forced to die through asphyxia. I always knew liberals were tolerant and forgiving. It's nice to see that in the flesh.
  10. At first I thought this must have been an Onion piece or something. how ridiculous...
  11. Are you serious, or are you just getting a contact-high from the all-Republicans-are-evil sentiments around here?
  12. oh. well, hell, I didn't realize Jimmy Carter was disappointed with Bush. That changes everything. Thank you for the links, though, at least your opinions are informed, even if we disagree on certain points. I couldn't be more disappointed with Bush's fiscal policies, which are a slap in the face to principles of fiscal conservatism...
  13. ahhh, if we could only go back to 2000, when the whole world--especially predominately islamic countries--just LOVED the United States.
  14. You can, you smart-ass POS, but I've got better things to do with my time.
  15. no one else was making up his mind for him? did this man not set policy based on polls?
  16. How original. Bashing the president's intellect. Again. How many of you have ever spent 5 minutes with the man, or someone close to him? His wife has a master's in library science. And I'm sure that he never encountered a book while obtaining a bachelor of arts degree in history at Yale or an MBA at Harvard. but it's easy to re-churn these tired, hackneyed jokes, rather than to give the man the befefit of the doubt. I'm sure that increasing your smug quotient is reward enough for most of you. God forbid you delve into any substantive and studied criticism of his policies or poli
  17. thanks, but my question is more directed at whether this is even necessary. I haven't had any problems with torrents under my current configuration.
  18. I thought my previous posts would have amply answered that question. If a law was passed that had no legitimate secular purpose, and was "excessively" entangled with religion, then I could probably argue its unconstitutionality under either the establishment or free exercise clauses. I would think you would be more interested in discussing, for instance, the actions of a school principle with regard to religion in schools or a judge putting up a religious placard in his or her courtroom... something more in the gray area that is clearly not congress passing a law. We elect representatives
  19. I've read and read and read about port-forwarding, I've found my DSL box and BT client and read the instructions on portforward. But I've never had any trouble uploading or downloading torrents, and I'm wondering--before I (computer illiterate) delve into changing all these settings, etc. and potentially hijacking my own computer--is it necessary? Thanks for any help, Neil
  20. I see from your bio that you share a loathing of green peas with my wife. I wonder what triggers this characteristic in certain individuals... Did you have a traumatic experience with peas in your past?
  21. If that is obvious, for any reason, then I must keep doing whatever I'm doing...
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