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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. it wasn't my intention at all to make light of the homeless. that's not where i'm coming from at all. certainly there will always be a need in that area. i just don't see that a program on a TVA scale as necessary unless there was some grand vision of national necessity. certainly after WWII, those types of projects served a purpose, but now? i don't know about that. but, like i said, if washington is going to keep encouraging these increased gas prices by inaction, maybe the "grand vision" could go from new highways and bridges to mass public transit and start the whole big brother/orwell
  2. sure, but only if the project was for light rail in every city with a steep incline followed by triple loops every 5-10 miles. if they are gonna screw us on gas to make us give up our vehicles and commute to work on a train every day, they better make it fun dammitt! maybe they could start an organization to train and employ balloon animal-making clowns that could entertain the kids while we take a number and wait in line to sit in the waiting rooms, where we (again) wait some more to have our kids sit in gowns on butcher paper (where they can draw with crayons) waiting for our national heal
  3. yesssssss....[terrorist fist bump]...betty, you're the bomb...
  4. sorry for the prolonged back and forth. there will always be opposing view points no matter the issue(s), we all have our reasons for believeing what we do and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. sometimes i fall back into debate for debate's sake, while knowing that nothing is going to come of it. hope you have a good day.
  5. thanks, but no thanks. i was merely commenting on the seemingly endless coverage on tv last week. sorry, i guess a carlin thread wasn't the place for it. my apologies.
  6. are we done canonizing george carlin now? george was alright, but...come on.... i was a bigger richard pryor fan.
  7. ah, hell...i just threw that out there. after 8 years of dubya, i kind of miss that guy.
  8. no, i don't. there has been ongoing negotiations with iran over the last few years and nothing has come of it. meanwhile, their nuclear program continues to advance.
  9. i'm sure that they wouldn't make the mistake of bombing any aspirin or baby formula factories.
  10. i would think that washington would support israel's right to strike the iran nuke sites if they deemed it necessary. then we would back them up however necessary. but i wouldn't expect a full out invasion of iraq. i don't see why that would even be necessary.
  11. all other points aside, the whole thing with iran is quite a bit different than a country like north korea. i would think it would be harder to negotiate with a country that is fueled by hatred of the mere existence of israel and of the nations who support them. it's a deep-seated hatred that doesn't exist with a communist country like north korea. it is much, much deeper than that. kind of like having a "war on terror". it's a war vs. a religious ideology that is not easily diffused with negotiations. certainly worth the effort, but so far it's not been met with any success as iran continue
  12. i call bullshit on the mistranslation claim. he's made several long-winded statements regarding israel's impending demise on several occasions. so you are saying he's somehow managed to fool the entire mainstream press, and the whole EU, not to mention israel itself each time he spewed this b.s.? really? you'd think a more credible source besides huffpo (freaking huffpo?...puhleez..ha..ha..) and a few left wing parrot blogs would have uncovered this "mistranslation" and exposed the sinister "invade iran" bush plot that dubya has so ingeniusly concocted. i think ahmadinejad would be in need
  13. Most other countries in the World view the very existence of the United States as a taunt. screw 'em. they aren't owed an apology for their existence.
  14. well, for an oil rich country to be dabbling in nukes (for energy purposes?...umm, sure...ok) to begin with and then calling israel a "stinking corpse" and saying they want to "wipe them off the map" is a pretty big red flag. iran put the bullseye on themselves by running off at the mouth. i don't recall israel taunting iran and starting all this.
  15. is there really any doubt as to the outcome on 'ole vc?
  16. i don't see him running again and he's hinted at going for just one term as well. but, you never know. thing is, mccain was not the choice of many in the GOP and he would be a prime candidate to be challenged within his own party if he chose to continue. not to bring age into it, but the man would be 72 entering his first term and 76 entering a second. seems hard to imagine he'd want to continue.
  17. i'm thinking there are alot of other reasons for the GOP to energize their base...starting with the likelyhood of an obama presidency. his "obamaness" isn't much admired among repubs regardless of how much mccain is loathed within his own party. 4 years of mclame is still more acceptable and recoverable from than an obama administration. the GOP and independent conservatives also see mccain as a one term prez and should be better prepared for a successful run in 2012 with a more acceptable candidate. at least they better be. hopefully the dems will figure the repubs have already thrown in t
  18. i can watch IATTBYH any time i want...at any time of the day...along with a bonus disc... seriously....any time i want...
  19. i guess we'll be expecting another round of stimulus checks according to obama's press conference the other day. he promises a second round of checks once he's prez, so it's not just a bush gimmick after all. vote for barack and another $300-$1200 will magically appear in your mailbox. yay!
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