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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. republicans brought this all on themselves. they had it all and choked all over themselves. what goes around comes around. the dems are now up to bat and let's see what happens this time. past history is not very encouraging. but from what i keep hearing, barack can bat 1,000. if it wasn't for sarcasm, i'd be really depressed right now.
  2. i'm just having fun. barack fever...catch it! it's going to be interesting to see how much "change" occurs with a candidate who professes to have all the answers combined with a democrat controlled congress and senate, liberal leaning courts. the man is gonna have all the dominoes lined up. all he's gotta do is knock them over. there's is absolutely nothing that will stop them from curing all the ills of the country. i just can't wait for all the magic to happen.
  3. i don't believe sadaam's body count matched 6 million, so that comparison really isn't valid. he's gone now anyway. the man was a complete amatuer and is probably being ridiculed in hell right now for being such an incompetent underacheiver. iran's leader is more talk than action at this point until he gets his bomb to erase the "stinking corpse" that is israel...his words, not mine. so he's more of a wannabe in a bad suit and constantly in need of a shave. neville chamberlain just didn't have the right "we can do it" attitude that barack has. no, once barack takes office he's gonna go talk
  4. i'd prefer that politicians leave all the nazi stuff out of the discussion period. i don't care which side of the aisle they are on. there is no place for it.
  5. hitler is an essential weapon in the left-wing arsenal vs. the right. when in doubt, let adolph out.
  6. what was the point? MSLSD is the ying to FOX's yang. i think those two networks actually have a crush on eachother. they need to just get a room.
  7. i like how some people take a quote from someone and just run with it. damn. that's as far as i got before it started getting weird. starting the weekend early are we John?
  8. well, i'm a voter without either a party or a candidate. non-support of bush or mccain does not mean i should be in the obama camp. bush lost me for good after katrina and mccain was never someone i ever considered vote-worthy. if mccain just assumes he's getting my support (or other conservative independents) that just makes an ass out of him. and it could make one out of me if when i flip my coin between a third party or his geriatric ass, it lands his way. i really don't know what i'm going to do at this point. oh, and Party @ the Moontower, you are alright with me regardless of po
  9. the truth always lies somewhere in the middle. if i'm looking to debunk a myth about someone, the last place i would look is on their own website for the answer.
  10. you use a biased source for a biased study? so much for objectivity. hey, koolaid!
  11. in your opinion. keith olbermann is the definition of an a-hole. those on fox are least laughable, keith seems to be inviting an ass kicking.
  12. Fox News is Fox News. If they didn't exist, where would all the anger on the left be focused (other than the bush administration...or talk radio)?. it's a theraputic punching bag. MSNBC is the biggest joke of a network on cable imo. talk about biased, holy hell do they have that cornered. and keith olbermann is the biggest douchebag on tv.
  13. former expo/royal and japanese leaguer warren cromartie is a fan/friend of rush. he is also a damn good drummer, or so i hear.
  14. i'll let someone else mention dylan and all the usual suspects. here's some megadeth. , here and here. you can get your CNN and thrash metal all in one place.
  15. as tempting as that would be, i'd rather they spend their time on something more worthwhile...like increasing the oil supply. yeah, let's start there.
  16. i laughed out loud during that part of the movie. ridiculous
  17. of all the movies, you have to pick that one.
  18. obama is obama. God bless him, i think he means well. i just see things differently. mccain has a pattern of betraying his own party. i guess that's were he gets the "maverick" label...is that supposed to be some kind of badge of honor? because i'm not impressed. he comes across as arrogant and indifferent to those who disagree with him and i would rather buy barack a drink and hang out with him than i would mr. mccain. that's just how i feel. but on election day, my fondness for the personality that is barack obama would have to end as political reality sets in. i probably won't eat befo
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