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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. clear and 82. no complaints from me.
  2. wow, all this makes me want to watch a paul newman flick after work. and i'm a big fan of his salad dressing too. glad he's still with us.
  3. you don't have tell me racism still exists, but i will tell you that in downtown k.c. and it's suburbs in kansas or missouri, it doesn't seem to factor into politics. i can only speak to what i know. i've never lived in arkansas, kentucky, etc. i don't think churches should have any function in politics except to serve the needs of people regardless of political affiliation. those who choose to dabble in influencing policy give the rest of us a bad name.
  4. i saw this in the paper the other day. i grew out of my rush phase a long time ago, but still have a soft spot for moving pictures. the negro leagues museum is a great place to check out if you are ever in k.c.
  5. choosing a candidate is a personal decision. therefore, it's not my place to tell you what i've based my decision on. if you read his website and see where he stands and then read the bible and can reconcile the two, obama is your man. i've done both and couldn't go there. sadly, mccain is plan b and i really can't stand the man (mccain). i will be an extremely unenthusiastic voter this november. i really have no desire to have an open discussion on the evangelical majority's problems with obama's agenda. there's really no point to it here. i have neither the interest, nor the time.
  6. i'm all about issues, not ethnicity. if barack espoused the same values as me, i'd be all about getting him into office. i'm jealous that i have no candidate to support that has the personality he has. i just wish i agreed enough with his politics. this whole race issue is hard for me to understand. where i live (midwest) it's certainly not an issue at all and neither is gender, for that matter. i love how you put the jabs in there. (in bold)
  7. i happen to attend a church that is self-sufficient and isn't subject to oversight by a huge denomination. they deal directly with the missionaries in the field (because they are actual church members). it's a very hands on deal because they are the ones doing the work. it is certainly rewarding to know that your contribution is not being run through a huge organization, but rather going directly to the source. i'd rather not turn this into a debate on theology. i believe that everything that the biblical apolstles dealt with in regards to the church is valid to this very day and very plain
  8. if you look into it, you will see that the evangelical churches are making huge strides worldwide to combat human trafficking, AIDS in Africa, bringing clean water wells to India, etc. It's not just about spreading the Word, it's about doing something to help our fellow man. My church in particular is hands on doing these very things. It's sad that blowhards like Falwell and Robertson have sullied the reputation of the Church. Evangelicals are aware of this perception and are trying to do something about it. Churches have gotten a bad rap over the years because of these egomaniacs. It shouldn'
  9. exactly right. however, with politics you have to sift through all the crap and come out with something that at least resembles something you can live with. barack is way out there in that regard imo. mccain still makes me nauseous, but what choice is there?
  10. salesmen/politicians, it's all the same. i don't care how great the advertising, i ain't buying it.
  11. well, if that is the case, then they aren't really evangelicals. Evangelical: Of, relating to, or being a Christian church believing in the sole authority and inerrancy of the Bible, in salvation only through regeneration, and in a spiritually transformed personal life. (from Dictionary.com) The Bible never changes. People do. You can't claim to live by the sole authority of the Word and endorse a set of values that runs counter to it.
  12. actually i don't think that those "evangelicals" with "decent minds" would actually consider voting for Obama. if so, i don't think they take their evangelical status that seriously. evangelicals are largely social conservatives, something barack definately is not. since i guess i would be considered an evangelical myself (although i don't use that label) i think that those votes would either go to mccain or else stay at home on election day. barack thinking he can sway many of those votes is laughable. and i don't personally know any racist evangelicals. way to slip that in there.
  13. whenever i think of jakob dylan, all i hear is "one headlight." maybe his solo stuff might change my perception. or maybe not. it must suck to be bob's son sometimes.
  14. i can't believe you are 21 already. time flies. hope it's a great one!
  15. in january of this year i fully intended to find reasons to support obama. i spent a lot of time blogging and researching as much as i could and determined that as likeable a guy he most likely is, i just couldn't accept his stances on the issues. i also have serious reservations about those who he has sought counsel with. i'm just not comfortable throwing aside what i believe for a personality. and barack has got personality moreso than any politician i've seen in decades. i'm not completely surprised he defeated hillary, but i think i'm even more surprised that the republicans couldn't come
  16. mccain almost bolted the republican party (twice). he's consistently undermined conservative principles and has generally been a malcontent among his party. and yet, there he is...their nominee. i'm sure he's loving this.
  17. not much really. sorry i don't have more of an in depth answer on that. he's just serving as this years potential perot or nader. someone other than the "big two" to vote for that happens to have a face with a name, but not much else. i don't expect him to have much of an impact.
  18. what up EL? i try to keep an even keel, but i'm human dammit! i'd hate to think i need meds, but sometimes i wonder. i think i'll take more of a consulting role in the VC election fray this year. no more arguing over stuff (at least that's my intention). we all know where we stand and i know where this ship (VC) is going come election day and i'm fine with that. i'll just hang out and observe the fireworks. i can keep people updated on what the right is up to, since i have a tendency to frequent a variety of the conservative pundit outlets. i must say that my personal political view
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