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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. huffington post? come on... article written by John K. Wilson John K. Wilson blogs at www.obamapolitics.com and is the author of five books, including the new book "Barack Obama: This Improbable Quest" (Paradigm Publishers) and the forthcoming "Patriotic Correctness: Academic Freedom and Its Enemies." His previous books include
  2. Yahoo News: For years Obama supported using public funds for campaigns to keep the big special-interest money out, and he was recorded more than once saying "I strongly support public financing." On a questionaire by the good government group Common Cause, Obama wrote, "If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election." And during an April 27 apperance on Fox News, Obama declared, "I have promised that I will sit down with John McCain and talk about can we preserve a public system." f
  3. i'm referencing his flip on the public financing issue. i couldn't care less about david brooks or his opinion, not many people do. barack is all for finance reform..until he runs for president. do as i say, never mind what i do. same shit new politician. and nobody gives a damn...unless a republican tries it. baaaraaack....
  4. yes, there is nothing to this. nothing...nothing at all...change...hope...change...hope... obama...obama...obaaa..ma...
  5. i don't see the harm in them really, but i also don't see the necessity of them either. and i'm not surprised at all they are causing controversy. if they are offering special plates to private groups, as they say, then i'm sure that atheists, satanists and new age believers or gangs and NAMBLA members, etc are welcome to join in on the fun too for an extra fee. i already refuse to get personal vanity plates because of the cost and because they are just...stupid. why in the world would i want to upgrade my plates at all? i just don't understand the urge. aren't there already enough jesu
  6. ha, ha yeah, i'm sure that's a serious concern around here.
  7. she's not even liked that much in her own adopted state of kansas (she's originally from ohio and michigan). so, no. i still can't figure out how she is being given any consideration besides the fact she is from a political family and therefore, well connected. her dad was a former governor of ohio. her husband is a federal magistrate judge and the son of a former u.s. representative.
  8. i'm still pondering my options and will never endorse mccain regardless of whether or not he'd get my vote. i'll likely vote for a 3rd party candidate since my state (kansas) hasn't gone for a democrat presidential candidate since LBJ in 1964. so historically, i'd be relatively safe in not supporting mccain and having to worry about barack carrying kansas. ...but with the cult of barack, you never know what might happen. i'll check the polls closer to the election to see which way kansas is leaning and make my final decision then.
  9. I'm so against Obama and apathetic for McCain, that it annoys me to look at either of them.
  10. first of all, i owe you an apology. i stand by what i said, however in regards to your post in particular, personalizing my response towards you wasn't proper and i realize that you had made your views more clear than i originally recognized. sometimes i need to stop for a few and gain some perspective before firing off a reply. again, please accept my apology. the topic of your post just struck a nerve with me. uw
  11. this is more than little offensive to me. i'm the oldest of 10 kids. we are all doing just fine and my parents as well. we are all self-sufficient and contribute to society in a variety of occupations (including education). we have never needed assistance from a meddling government to get by and we were on the lower end of what would be considered middle-class growing up. basically, my parents worked their asses off and had no regrets whatsoever in doing so. they are the most down to earth people i know. this is a problem with the liberal mindset. it is always well-meaning, but completely c
  12. i think it's funny that in 2008 people still pay money to see gallagher. i guess there is still such a thing as disposable income.
  13. matt lauer is glib according to tom cruise.
  14. we'll leave iraq someday. i hope. just like when the economy sucks, the next prez blames it on the previous administration. and when it's going good, the current prez takes the credit. whatever happens in iraq will likely end up with the same blame game. that's politics. bush will always get the majority of the blame ultimately (and rightly so). since he started all this to begin with, he will forever be accountable.
  15. poodles can be pretty ferocious. i got bit by one once.
  16. quack? quack, quack...quack... i love sarcsim come on john, lighten up it's only politics. you've got a big win coming up in november. go ahead and start enjoying it now. you'll just have to forgive us disgruntled conservatives if we come across as a little prickly. nothing personal.
  17. dude, was all that wiki crap necessary? who are you trying to educate here? you expanded on something i already recognized. the supreme leader has sole power. but he also has the power to muzzle whatever ahmadinejad says, which he HAS NOT. the nuclear program is continuing, iran is sponsoring terrorism, umm what's your freaking point? i find nothing conservative in your postings and i've been around for a while. your assessment of the republican party is accurate. i'm also not a republican. i also believe that the democrat party is side show as well. can you please fill me in on any perso
  18. john, some things never change around here. i don't know why i even bother responding to you. sounds like you've got everything figured out. no need for me to add anything. it's funny how the first thing i knew you would mention was my use of wiki as a reference. feel free to correct the info on the wiki entry. i didn't read anything on it about ahmadinejad's need for mullah approval to order room service. where exactly was that referenced? you have a great command of liberal talking points according to your post. yay for you! whatever... good day sir.
  19. ok john...whatever you say. i guess my affinity for the right side of things completely blinds me to the continued hitler/nazi comparisions hurled at the left? certainly, the left is much more effective at flinging those insults at the right (and our own country) since they have the majority of the electronic and print media and whole entertainment industry at their disposal. their options for delivery of their message are numerous and are much more infuential to the average american who doesn't bother to look shit up for themselves. all the right has is a bumbling president and cabinet that
  20. i'd rather focus on the 10% we agree on and at least gain an understanding and respect of our differences on the other 90. screaming, yelling and throwing stuff never solved anything. it just makes people look like idiots, whether they have a valid point or not. whatever your opinion, there is always going to be someone on the other end of it. i appreciate your words and return the compliment. (i'll avoid the patronizing mccain "my friend" reference since i can't stand that about him either.) you're alright with me too.
  21. it's mclame...john mclame...my friend....(yawn).... i need a nap.
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