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Everything posted by Edie

  1. I am thinking of a new phone but am not a fan of red. The color that is.
  2. Though I might throw a tantrum if we aren't properly situated in the front
  3. Eeeek! Glad you're safe and sound.
  4. I used to have my torrents running overnight too, but now I don't bother that often. It seems when I do, I can upload a gig or two without trying much I think my buffer is in the 30-40 gig range.
  5. You can use IRC to go to the #oink-help channel and beg. They will usually give low ratio people a SINGLE second chance. Read all the rules and all the tutorials, including the EAC thingy that jiggafellaz put together. Upload like crazy, and your ratio issue will be solved. You'd be surprised how many people get bounced from the site due to low ratio.
  6. Now I am thinking sunken treasure. Oh the conundrum.
  7. I agree; otherwise I would have picked One by One.
  8. And men that use phones when they shouldn't.
  9. I was spanked occasionally. I remember when I was 4 my father spanked me and I turned around and laughed and said that it didn't hurt. He spanked me again. I never did that again. I think that obedience/respect must be taught in other ways. When he was in college, my brother wanted to take his motorcycle to school 500 or so miles away. My mother didn't want him to, so she laid down in the driveway to stop him. He promptly drove right around her and off to school. Case in point.
  10. Miss Chris: I agree with SS/MS with a minor change. Do not mention it to her. If you have the opporunity to talk to him prior, let him know (without really delving into the details if you think it will be uncomfortable) in no uncertain terms that a repeat performance will not be tolerated and what the consequences will be if he pulls this crap again. If he does, go at him guns blazing. Anne Hathaway:
  11. Edie


    And... I just donated!!
  12. Not for the Season/Laminated Cat. For now....
  13. I changed my name once since it was just easier. The pic remains.
  14. I never kill them either.... I capture them and put them outside.
  15. Nice to see you back, PigSooie.
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