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Everything posted by OOO

  1. And much to my surprise, I awoke in Riverside, on a couch.
  2. in all my years at college i've never seen Notre Dame beat us....why start now?
  3. yeah i was going to say something too, but I didn't want to break up the great discussion.
  4. Forgive my lack of knowledge but are you a superhero or something? You save kittens on weekdays and plant trees on the weekend? I'm lucky if i get off my computer most days...
  5. Here's the whole show in 160kbps mp3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/iz28we
  6. Here's the whole show in 160kbps mp3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/iz28we
  7. Yes, I do believe that was implied. He was intimidated by Dirk Diggler.
  8. how is getting a camera into the venue?
  9. But you had the whole RTT named after you...
  10. I find those sorts of jokes work better when i pretend that I do.
  11. thats what i kept trying to tell my ex-wife...
  12. its this little cotton string that goes around the waist and they tie their foreskin tightly to it. its the only clothing alot of them wear, and they feel naked without it. Needless to say, this makes all the videos we watch in class very gross.
  13. just so you know, when there is someone a Yonomamo person doesn't like (whether they know them or not) they proceed in the following manner 1. First way of settling the dispute is chest pounding. You punch him in the chest, he punches you in the chest. This continues until someone gives in or. 2. Someone grabs a club, takes a few swings. Usually your wife will come running up to you with a club if you don't have one at this point. the dispute may end here or escalate to 3. AXE fight. First, they try using the blunt end of the axe, but if you are really pissed off you switch it around
  14. since my .Aif files are no good for the VC tracker, I guess I'm still willing to help out. If theres any particular songs someone has to hear right away before a FLAC version gets uploaded to bittorrent, just post it in the thread and ill try and upload it in .mp3 cheers
  15. so i set the alarm for 30 minutes of sleep, but i hit the snooze button twice and i got 50 minutes, so no cocaine necessary. My TA is lulling me to sleep though...I'll need caffeine soon. I'm glad to hear you all have yanomamo experience
  16. done with paper! time to sleep! (for 30 minutes til i have to get ready for class)
  17. I was more shocked that the fat comedian cop got popped in the head, to be honest. With leo i sort of felt it coming along.
  18. I think my roommates have rockstar energy drinks downstairs....is that the same thing as meth?
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