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Everything posted by OOO

  1. jeff said to me last night he had 2 dates planned in florida for this december, but after the FIU - miami brawl, he just didn't feel safe.
  2. OOO

    New song mp3

    Here is the new Jeff Tweedy Song: Patient With Me Here are 10 new(ish) various Wilco/Jeff Tweedy Songs including the above: New Song Collection 1. Impossible Germany 2. What Light 3. On & On & On 4. Walken 5. Is That the Thanks I Get? 6. The Good Part 7. Either Way 8. Let's Not Get Carried Away 9. Let's Fight 10. Patient With Me I don't take credit for any of these songs, they're all the product of various generous tapers (and jeff and co. of course), so if you like what you hear, download the full shows in FLAC and thank the tapers, not me. And obviously don't burn any of t
  3. yeah, that bears game sure was close...
  4. OOO


    Pot Kettle Black - Last Time Played: 2004-11-10 That Tweedy guy better watch his back if he keeps this up.
  5. I am planning on getting my masters from Notre Dame, actually.
  6. I switched out of my USC gear into a Notre Dame T-shirt after we lost the game. I almost got killed by my roommates
  7. this is a halloween pictures thread, not a gear thread you geeks!!
  8. My arrogance was my undoing. Can't win em all!
  9. Thanks for the season, folks! My teams out of it!!
  10. Its backwards, and I'm right handed.
  11. yes, its true. this was the post of the year.
  12. Halloween parties start this weekend, so post your pics here: I'm a rockin' cowboy!
  13. But it was just Barack Obama Its ridiculously how good a speaker he is, especially compared to all the other people giving talks at this rally (Mayor of Los Angeles, Gubanatorial Candidate, etc)
  14. yeah i have no problem with a sex crime offenders database (apparently im surrounded by offenders in South Central....:-( ) , but extending it to the whole population before they commit a crime seems weird. But Minority Report was awesome.
  15. "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin I'm not saying this quote necessarily applies directly to the situation, but its pretty important to consider the ways this would get misused and the liberties it would strip from people.
  16. in which case, most of the board has free access to the songs, and there is nothing to be worried about
  17. No one is going to post that here. If you bought the DVD you get the songs. If not, you don't. Wilco is too nice about bootlegs and streaming shows (AND feature length movies) for the fans to take advantage of that by trading stuff that is for sale and easy to get. I didn't buy the DVD, and i don't have the mp3s, and i hope you agree that's fair.
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