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Everything posted by OOO

  1. OOO


    I don't really understand what happened. They bought land next to eachother, then later Obama buys a small strip of Rezko's property. It's all really, really fishy, but nothing illegal, so...?
  2. No, they are looking for this But they will also enjoy yours.
  3. OOO


    I am a huge obama fan, and was entranced by him the one time i got to see him speak in person. I really do think its an extraordinary thing for a politician to seem trustworthy, because honestly who trusts these guys? Obviously the Republican candidate for presidency will hammer into his lack of experience, but I sort of see it as a benefit as he is not jaded yet or too entrenched in the Washington lifestyle. I think leadership is a skill one learns long before becoming a politician, and obamas got the skill. That said, I honestly have no idea how electable he is. He's extremely popular
  4. THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!! THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!! Like I said, I really enjoyed the movie, but there was one part that bothered me, plotwise. When they are leaving the blown up building towards the end of the movie and all the soldiers stop shooting and just stare at the baby - I believed this. Seeing as a new born alive baby was the most important thing in the whole world, this is believable. But for every single soldier to turn away from the baby at the sound of an explosion and not take her into custody or try to help her or anything seemed like a bit of a stretch.
  5. thirded, and worth paying to see in the theaters, because of how beautiful it is.
  6. nice work, bears. Tough luck, chargers. I don't look forward to rooting against Reggie Bush, but I gotta do what I gotta do.
  7. Chalk up another vote for wanting songs played differently live. I can understand not wanting to hear every song completely differently because the new versions might suck (i.e. Bob Dylan with some of his older songs), but theres not much point to seeing a band live if they play it just like the record. Also, both versions of sunken treasure are beautiful....AND haunting.
  8. OOO

    news songs

    Alright.... I'm here to do some re-uploading. Here is the Pack which includes... 1. Impossible Germany 2. What Light 3. On & On & On 4. Walken 5. Is That the Thanks I Get? 6. The Good Part 7. Either Way 8. Let's Not Get Carried Away 9. Let's Fight 10. Patient With Me 11. Shake it off 12. Side with the Seeds My usual disclaimer follows: There's no need to thank me, since all I did was put these in one place and throw them up for downloading. However, if you like the recordings, I suggest looking in the bittorrent section of viachicago (assuming its up) or etree and getting the fu
  9. Dude...he's coming out to visit you this year...and this is how you repay him??
  10. IndiO, CA thanks for the lineup...though just so everyone is clear, this isn't THE coachellafest!
  11. I make great apologies to be boy who takes bubble and bursts it, however you have been making math wrong. It is a glorious 30th anniversary, it being 2007 and tour being in 1977. I am hoping no offenses were made, but correctness in all things is good.
  12. I like the way the preseason rankings are starting to unfold.
  13. i can't speak for what he does, but macs don't have midi ports, no. I use a USB to midi connector, personally
  14. congrats froggie!! celebrate the good news with one of your hot barmaids!
  15. yeah i keep thinking of all the times my dad used to tell me not to keep touching the monitor, and with the iPhone your viewing area is going to get touched all the time. And its not just touching, but dragging motions, etc, so its not going to have that pristene look for too long. In other words, I'm quitting my job and starting up a iPhone screen protector business. P.S. Apple stock rose more than $7.00 TODAY, which pleases me greatly!
  16. thats certainly true, though wii all know what console most people are buying, and it costs $250. I am an apple fanboy, and I think this thing is one of apple's most droolworthy products to date, but as with most products apple releases, its best to let earlier adopters beta test the hardware first, and to let the price drop. So, maybe I'll look at one of these for around the christmas season....but thats so far away....
  17. actually, its the $600/$500 with 2 year contract
  18. thats why its coming out in june. apple wanted to release it themselves, because if they had gotten FCC approval first, it would have been all over the rumor sites. Steve said it takes 2 months to get approval, so now we wait. Following along with Steve's keynote was much more interesting than, say, the BCS championship game!
  19. And if we had a play-off system, maybe next week we'd get to see Florida vs Boise State and LSU vs. USC
  20. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2724672 oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!
  21. these are beautiful, thanks for sharing your artwork!
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