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Everything posted by OOO

  1. OOO


    no one has fufilled my request yet to upload the 5th dimension's greatest hits. ... ... Stone Soul Picnic? Save the Country? Up Up and Away?
  2. Your counterparts at Apple seem to have made their (RED) product look a bit like a Target ad
  3. a large percentage of the people who disagree with him do tend to be bush haters though, you must admit. I disagree with a large percent of what the current administration does, but when people I know say "Bush is such an idiot...", I start to tune them out. Like El El said, its pretty easy to discount the administration on its own "merits" without saying he doesn't know how to speak, that he's an idiot, and how he's his daddy's boy, etc.
  4. So, you remember those dancing OK Go guys who first danced in their backyard and then on the treadmills for their music videos? Yes? Good. They have a celebrity playlist on iTunes and heres what they have to say about Hell is Chrome: "Sometimes someone else's lyrics are so good you want to recall everything you've ever written, and everything you've said, too." So kind!
  5. Its not ironic considering the fact that he set up the prizes BECAUSE he felt bad about inventing dynamite. "The erroneous publication in 1888 of a premature obituary of Nobel by a French newspaper, condemning his invention of dynamite, is said to have made him decide to leave a better legacy to the world after his death. The obituary stated "Le marchand de la mort est mort" ("The merchant of death is dead") and went on to say, "Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.""
  6. Yes, maam. I do html (and php at the moment) for my school's (USC) websites. nude pictures are always just a google away.
  7. I realized my mistake when a coworker walked behind me. while google image searching. whoops?
  8. oh suzanne Not safe (depending where you work) for work
  9. those taun-taun guts still gross me out.
  10. If I shaved everyday, then yes. but I usually shave about once to 3 times a month, and i have varying states of beard. but if i hadn't shaved wednesday my hairlength would have been more than scruff but less than beard, and definitely not sexy or even moist.
  11. i knew SOMEONE was going to ask. My face. I don't know, but I have more confidence when I can pretend I'm Indiana Jones.
  12. its not weird that i shaved yesterday so id have the right amount of scruff for a party on friday where a girl I like will be there..........is it?
  13. I haven't gotten to sleep yet either, so my eyes are kind of groggy, but anyway... When I looked at the most recent person who posted I thought it said F#ck!@ (yes, with the number symbol) I was impressed! and wrong!
  14. Thats quite a coincidence. Whenever I see a box in the middle of the road I run it over to make sure there aren't 8 year olds in it.
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