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Everything posted by OOO

  1. The way I recall it, your iPod copies your on the go playlists into iTunes as On-the-go playlist1, on-the-go playlist2, etc. I've deleted on the go playlists many times and its never caused an issue, but i don't have an iPod anymore so perhaps there is something new with iTunes 7
  2. the way the on the go playlist works is you select the tunes you want by highlighting them on the iPod and holding down the click button for 5 seconds. It should always show up at the bottom of the playlists list. If its not there, then theres a problem.
  3. Notre Dame definitely wasn't over rated this year...
  4. woah, woah, woah..... Leave Thom out of this.
  5. well they played an advertisement for "House of Carter" which he is in, before the movie, and we turned around and looked at him. Moderately funny, I would say. What did you think of Jackass #2? I was laughing the whole time, besides the moments I was shielding the screen from my eyes.
  6. anyone know who aaron carter is? apparently he was sitting behind me during jackass 2. meh
  7. gosh darn it, its not done rising here, you ruined the ending for me.
  8. I just finished my anthropology homework, took a family guy break, so yeah...I guess I have to start math now. But I'll take meth if its anything like really strong caffeine.
  9. there's a guy outside yelling "bernie" and/or "aaron" really loudly. its 5:30AM....sheesh
  10. Ahhhhh crap, i haven't done my homework and its almost 5AM. I could use some meth...
  11. So you know how George Lucas rereleases the star wars movies every two years with slight changes to rape the fans out of their money? Like how right now he released the DVD's seperately instead of in a 3-pack and thats supposed to excite us? And how they are going to put them out in 3D? Well anyway, that crap used to annoy me, but now i found out all that money is going straight to me. yesssss.
  12. who wants to test out the videogame im programming? anyone? anyone?
  13. I think we should count ourselves as lucky that there have been no male stripper stories disclosed in the midst of all these good-stripper stories.
  14. I'm not going to read through 10 pages of RTT on the small chance that I may someday understand this.
  15. I went to one strip club freshman year of college. "The Spearmint Rhino". My friends wouldn't drive me home until I got a dance. I think strip clubs are very weird and I decided that I prefer girlfriends.
  16. weightlifting class at 12, math at 1, but close enough
  17. alright, alright.....I'm awake. Time to go to subway.
  18. I've seen the new pornographers twice (opening for belle and sebastian and at a festival), but i've never heard an album until now, doing my homework. (which i just finished, suckers) Very good.
  19. I'm going to go shower. I'll leave my webcam on
  20. go watch the vagina monologues, you cry babies
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