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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I already explained to you that I'm a math major, not a meth major. And he doesn't do meth, only pot, LSD, mushrooms, and E.
  2. My housemate recently discovered Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and now gets high everynight and watches it on his computer.
  3. Is that some sort of John Kerry > George Bush subliminal message?
  4. did VC get a sponsorship from Animal Planet or something?
  5. Doesn't Chris Martin himself have a song called "Kingdon Come"? A Johnny Cash tribute song?
  6. I just have a very good friend in Mission Viejo i visit a fair amount, and I always have to get off the highway on the Oso parkway, and I like the name. I work for USC, though.
  7. where the $%#$ is the L.A. date? Also: "dates on left are on sale dates, others on the right are on sale date" is a nonsense sentence.
  8. I vote for YHF first, cause thats how I did it, and its generally accepted that I listen to things better than most people around here.
  9. whenever MTV is geared toward you, its your generation
  10. I was 10 pounds 5 ounces, born the natural way. Take THAT, Mom. Though being Catholic and all, I was her 5th kid, so i doubt it was a big problem anyway.
  11. If your computer has wireless capabilities, even if you dont have a wireless network right now, Airport Express will automatically show up in your iTunes window when you plug Airport Express in and plug it into your stereo, and then you just hit one button in iTunes and you're set.
  12. As an apple fanboy I might have to direct you to apples solution: http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebO...plm=M9470LL%2FA It also acts as a wireless router, and is $129, but can be gotten for cheaper.
  13. I would definitely strike if it was deemed illegal for me to strike. That's lame. That hotel strike on that South Michigan Ave. Hotel is stilling going on, right?
  14. it translates roughly to "OMG SQUEEEEE! JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!"
  15. I suggest you post on the fridge a list of chores she can do around the house since she won't be at work. Make sure you include "clean the couch cushions" in case you end up having to sleep there.
  16. Count me in with the "like Zach Braff from Scrubs, but found Garden State to be a bit much" club. Definitely its total style over substance. The thing that bugged me about Garden State the most, besides all the scenes in the movie that were set up just to look cool in the trailer (wallpaper t-shirt? was there any purpose? not jumping into the pool and standing there like not being able to swim is some deep significant thing), was how people take it to be an amazing film, when really it was just pretty good. I know someone who has seen it upwards of 10 times, and people who compare it to th
  17. At all the shows I've been too, there have been plenty of drips in the audience!
  18. I think the answer to the question "Why not?" in the thread's title has been sufficiently answered.
  19. you are one letter off. Math. Math Homework.
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