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Everything posted by OOO

  1. In the bottom right when you are in a playlist there is a button that says "burn disc". I haven't used it, but I'm guessing thats how you burn a disc.
  2. I enjoy going to Dennys, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
  3. My Roommates are making me go to a super smash brothers melee tournament tomorrow. One more checkmark of nerdiness.
  4. If you have the Album titles typed in the same way iTunes Store has them, and if the iTunes store actually has the song, it should get your Album covers for you, yes. Though, it does take its time in some cases.
  5. If you were actually a geek you would have made this post on tuesday when it was released.
  6. I suppose if you are 60+ like you or Jeff it's acceptable, but for us young cats, its not really a hip thing to say. You dig?
  7. Caliber - I'm in class right now and there are two hot girls sitting in front of me. We are watching a anthropological video called "Meat Fight". Surely there is some sort of pun I'm missing here to impress these girls with how clever I am. What should I do? -OTM
  8. Whoever thought class before noon was a good idea should be drawn and quartered* *Yes, I do mean they should have their entrails taken out and burned before their eyes and then cut into 4 pieces and taken to the 4 corners of England. Just like what happened to that Jew Hater, William Wallace
  9. Seriously. Last time I heard that phrase used was when Jerry and Elaine were being chased by crazy joe devolo (sp?) and were trying to get into the opera house. The ticket ticket listened to their story and said "oh that's rich"
  10. thanks for the offer, but the bike was bought for $50 a while ago and the back tire is flat and broken. It was impounded because I didn't pay the $3 registration fee so that if it got stolen and they got it back, they could contact me. Needless to say, I wasn't worried about it being stolen, and now that it is impounded by them and I can only get it back for $20, they can keep it.
  11. I've only been there once, to the Ballroom, to see the world's greatest rock band.
  12. The Campus Police just impounded my bicycle.
  13. Don't you mean....THE RAVE!!!!! ?
  14. There's also a podcast of songs picked out by Glenn up on the site
  15. Have you met Mr. vanilla with chocolate sprinkes? Then there is still reason to go!
  16. I met my best friend from college at the lame dorm sponsored ice cream social, so don't be too quick to discount it. Also, for you people who think you are so clever for saying meth: Take the Meth Quiz!!!
  17. ok, you win! But check out this mom "A woman who forced her stepchildren to gorge themselves on food and drink, then eat their own vomit has been sentenced to two to six years in prison. Venus Critchfield, 35, of Philippi, West Virginia, was also accused of beating the children's feet with boards, and using ropes and hooks to force them to stand for long periods, said Taylor County Prosecutor John Bord." To be honest, that seems like a light sentence
  18. My Mom had no drug, it was at our home AND my dad caught me. I suggest you fold.
  19. Well, me and my other housemate are excited at the prospect of doing an intervention if it gets really bad.
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