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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Move to the correct side of the equator?
  2. I just spent an hour and a half on a song making fun of some guy I've never met (in real life) but I play videogames with online all the time. Am I a nerd?
  3. fine, fine, fine. I subscribe to the homestarrunner podcast through iTunes, and its pretty funny still, but its height of popularity and artistic value was a few years back, i think.
  4. I have about 5 minutes to pick up lunch on my way to my next class. I can go to Carls Jr. (which is on my way), Taco Bell (slightly out of the way), or Subway (A bit more out of the way). Suggestions?
  5. I'm a connery fan through and through, but I also enjoy some of Roger's movies, so no hard feelings I just find it weird that moore is 3 years older than connery, but played bond up to 15 years after connerys last bond picture (never say never again not included). By the end of moore's stint he was getting pretty geriatric. Before Dalton took over they were going to have Q give Bond a walker with laser guided rockets in it.
  6. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger apologized Friday for saying during a closed-door meeting that Cubans and Puerto Ricans are naturally feisty and temperamental because of their combination of "black blood" and "Latino blood."
  7. I'm a diehard James Bond (I have copies of BOTH previous casino royale movies) and I'm definitely looking forward to Daniel Craig as 007, and the new take on it. I was about to hand in my fan card at the end of the last movie, even though overall I do like Pierce. If only Peter Lorre was still around to be the bad guy..
  8. 3 classes today, and im at work now. No rest for the beer-y.
  9. I pick up trash from the street all the time too, mostly girls from UCLA. ZING
  10. All of our garbage is in our (and possibly our next door neighbors....) back yard, so we'll be doing most of the cleaning. Though as I look outside, the magical LA fairies have worked their magic again, and every single can of beer has already vanished from outside!
  11. It was fun, lots of people showed up, and the girl I was sort of interested in showed up with a guy. We have a lot of red cups to clean up tomorrow. but i'll go to sleep!
  12. I'm hung over and I didn't even get to go to sleep yet...
  13. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html
  14. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes - Crosby, Stills, and Nash Everything in its Right Place - Radiohead I Will Sing you Songs - My Morning Jacket
  15. I get it! ction is pronounced the same as sean! thats funny.
  16. homestarrunner is soooooo 4 years ago. losers.
  17. Don't lie. You'd still give her a "breathalyzer test" if you caught her drunk after a charity event.
  18. We've got 70+ confirmed guests on facebook already, including 4 USC football players. It's going to be the social event of the week!! LAPD riot squad (with helicopter) broke up my next door neighbors party a couple weeks ago, so we also have that to look forward to...
  19. big party at my house on thursday!!! Kegs and Jungle Juice Galore!
  20. OOO

    New Lyrics

    I think it's generally considered rude to state your personal opinion as fact, rather than just your opinion.
  21. OOO

    Auction Taping

    Awesome story, and thanks for the song! Getting Jeff to help write/record a song sounds like just about the coolest opportunity ever.
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