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Everything posted by OOO

  1. some of that AND WEEE HA HAH AHA HA HA
  2. OOO


    quit being mnemonic Also, I'm changing it to: My Very Endowed Mistress Just Showed Us Nipples!
  3. OOO


    My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nipples!
  4. the High Heat, eh? better wear a tank top for that row. Not a bad song as far as wilco book songs go.
  5. First 3 seasons were awesome, i watched every episode and loved it. Cox used to be one of my favorite characters, now i find him annoying and think he overacts alot of the time. But in its heyday it was a great show, but as Louie B. said, not quite as good as seinfield.
  6. I don't rememer hearing any discussion about this album on this board before. Perhaps people would like to argue about the albums merits and how much it influenced Sgt. Pepper, only to be countered by Beatles fans saying that Brian himself was influenced by Rubber Soul, only to have someone else come in and tell everyone to calm down and say that all artists have many influences and the Beatles and the Beach Boys fed off eachother musically in the 60's, only to have some guy come in and say the albums sucks and is overrated without backing up his statements. Or not?
  7. Yes, it has. But it used to be very good, and its now in syndication on Comedy Central. I'm glad the show was a success, and ending it now seems about right.
  8. Sure, my team may have just lost 2 heisman winners to the NFL in one season after our bitter defeat to the evil longhorns, but we still get more camera time on the E! network then all the other teams combined!! Also, this is my senior year and we're going to win against that Irish team for the 4th time in a row. This time we won't even do any RB pushing.
  9. The Ruling Class. Some people just dont like it when Jesus smokes crack.
  10. Soweeeeeeee! mp3s!!! These are all from 8/18/06 Taped by: Lance Stack, send all thanks to him, the torrent is available here Losing End by Neil Young Butterfly (So Much Wine) by Handsome Family A little ditty named "?" by the taper
  11. OOO


    it used to be chrome
  12. AG-MATT sounds pretty cool to me though (All Good Music, All The Time) So once your circle gets big enough, you can consider that.
  13. I believe he just finished a book and get to take a break?
  14. i am uploading to 42 peers at the moment, just give it some time, im sure itll start up
  15. Wilco has always been a rock and roll band. Ask Jeff if you don't believe me.
  16. Cosby, not Crosby. With the jello pudding and the jazz.
  17. yes it is, and here: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=23851
  18. For you What Light fans, here is Jeff Tweedy doing it solo: Here Ya Go It just gets better and better!
  19. I listen to Obama's podcast from time to time and he has his head screwed on much straighter than most politicians, especially when it comes to understanding technology.
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