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Everything posted by OOO

  1. the quote from that harvard movie is "Love means NEVER having to say you're sorry"
  2. you have 69 total posts. I think fate has given you an answer to your problems.
  3. They also play a good deal of Uncle Tupelo. I
  4. Just Like Heaven, but I also like the Friday song
  5. Thats some pretty futile rooting you've got going on there. We never lose to the Irish!!
  6. Just so everyone's clear, U2 was F***ing awesome in their heyday.
  7. And performs in an iPod/iTunes Ad: http://www.apple.com/ipod/ads/dylan/ Pretty cool video though
  8. this is on oink, for those who care.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD_recorder
  10. my sister went. You can live vicariously through her if you want, but that might make her boyfriend angry.
  11. for the second one, its "all you like"
  12. wasn't that impressed with him in "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart"....but it might just be me.
  13. Thats a pretty bold statement.
  14. It just strikes me as mildly selfish that you are "paranoid" about one form of downloading that is a little bit of work on your part, but are fine with someone else taking the time to upload it especially for you. Luckily there are nice people here who are happy to do it for you, but to be afraid of bittorrent for no reason seems a bit silly. On the other hand, you've been very nice and polite about asking for stuff, and you got the files, so no harm done; Both demos are very fun and I hope you enjoy them.
  15. I just had a police helicopter circling the house next to ours for 20 minutes and then about 30 LAPD officers in full on riot gear were lined up on the streets and in our front yard. I'm not going to be sleeping for a while.
  16. I agree with the comments that say it makes much more sense to pirate for free then to pay to pirate. Its unclear whether or not its illegal for the site to operate in Russia, based on the loopholes, but I have read some fairly clear (quoted on wikipedia, so take with some salt) legislature from the US which makes this illegal. On the flip side, there is no way for the RIAA to catch you since they aren't going to get your IP from allofmp3, so there is a little bit of added security from sueing. Furthermore, while in general it is not a good idea to deal with shady russian sites, allofmp3
  17. Also, happy birthday to Sean Connery!
  18. Story I haven't heard about this story anywhere in the news, except by accident since my sister and her fiancee are traveling to China at the moment. Sort of a weird thing for the press not to pick up, but i guess Jon Benet Ramsey's killer is much more important....
  19. Oct 24 (Jeff's DVD) will take a while to get here, and Oct 31 isn't too long after that, so there are highlights along the way. This will be awesome though.
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