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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I'm secretly a diehard Wings fan. They'll probably win the cup again, what a team. I keep expecting them to fall apart but they never do!
  2. I wouldn't call Mitchell overrated. Just ask Jerome Iginla. He's one of the best defensive defensemen in the league and he stepped it up offensively this year. Kane does get a lot of lucky goals. You really think they would make a goalie captain if he wasn't a role model/leader? Anyways, sorry to my Boston friend. Wings vs Penguins repeat this year, probably. Hmmm... Go Pens?
  3. Last nights game was so anti-climactic, I'm really disappointed in the Capitals. The only way it could have been worse was if it was 0-0 in the third, a goal tenders battle.
  4. That's bad mojo, man. I'd be humble on the morning of a game 7, if I was you!!!
  5. Wait! So, season 1, episode 1, Jack wakes up with the bruises from the fight with Sawyer, but without the memories of everything that happens in the series. Season 6 epsiode 1, he wakes up, same thing, but with the memories??? I'm not following. However I did find a picture of Jack from the very first episode, with different hair, a suit, and just a few scratches on the face. Your theory on the cabin sounds spot on but wouldn't Jacob put an end to Locke becoming the leader before it happened??
  6. Maybe it was more like "my buddies are coming to kill you"? HEY! What did Richard say, in Spanish, when asked what lies in the shadows of the statue???
  7. Lucky, I work nights and missed too many games this season... I mean, I can turn them on at work but it's hard to follow the flow of the game when you're dealing with the kinds of people I deal with and 25+ year old equipment.. woooo. How popular are the Bruins at the moment compared to other Boston sports teams? Crosby has been getting too much criticism for being a whiner this season, he's still one hell of a player and argueably the best skater in the game. The great thing about Crosby is that he can be a set-up man but he's also a great goal scorer when he needs to be.
  8. Oh man, oh man! So does any of the Jacob/"Locke" stuff even matter? I mean, Juliette did blow up the bomb. In fact, what was the purpose of having her fall down there and blow up the bomb herself? Why not just have it blow up when it falls?? But what if that's what was suppose to happen?! If Jacob is in charge of The Island then why did The Island tell Ben not to kill "Locke"??????? Or was it "Jacob's Enemy" who appeared as Alex?? Ahh I can't wait for January 2010. Seriously, not fair. Glad they told us where Rose and Bernard went. Oceanic Survivors remaining by my count: Jack, Kate, Sawyer,
  9. I don't want the Wings to win again, they are Cup-hogs and need to let someone else have a chance, haha. But I'm pulling for Bruins/Wings final. I really liked the Hawks before the series but Byfuglien (who was my favorite Hawk as he was a PG Cougar and we have many mutual acquaintances, I've heard nothing but good things about him) had that smart ass grin the entire time, even when the Hawks were down 2-1 in the series. Plus, Kane had that really cocky comment about Willie Mitchell that just kind of pissed me off. So now, they're on my hate list. I'll probably forgive them after the playoffs.
  10. RIP Panther, Sure sometimes he embarrassed me as a Canadian. He probably smoked too much weed. But he liked Wilco so therefor he'll always be a friend.
  11. I have to be honest, that's almost how I felt I was directing a city council broadcast and all I wanted to do was go home and sulk but they went on for hours about some new police building, it was the worst night of my life, well, close! Anyways you probably just jinxed your Wings. Booo-urns! The Wings better crush the Hawks.
  12. That is all kinds of awesome.
  13. What's it like beating a team with no fans to gloat too???
  14. Daniel managed two goals last night, I have no issue with how they played in that series, every Canuck had a game or two that they didn't play to their best in. They were point per game in the playoffs, which is what they are in the regular season. I'd do the Detroit way with them and lock them up long time and use the loop hole in the CBA to get a lower cap hit on them. You know what's really frustrating? How well Sundin played in his final two games.
  15. Oh I love hockey too much to disappear, I am just down-in-the-dumps. It's like I just broke up with my girlfriend x1000. I have decided to officially hook my bandwagon onto the Boston Bruins since they have former Prince George Cougar Zdeno Chara and BC boys Milan Lucic and Mark Recchi. But Walken, if they don't make it to the Eastern Conference Finals, I'm blaming you. Now, I'm patiently looking forward to the finals, the draft, and then free agency. Hopefully Rogers Sportsnet will show some AHL finals, love to see the Moose win the Calder Cup.
  16. Luongo seemed really on the ball at first, he made some huge saves in the first period. At some point he lost his focus... it didn't help that his defense left him out to dry in the third. What a frustrating, frustrating, frustrating game to watch. The problem with Luongo and all of these "great" goalies like Luo, Turco, and Kipper, is that after any time off it takes them awhile to get back into the game. Luongo at the start of the year got off to a slow start, when he got injured, it took him awhile to get back into it and then after the break from the first round, he just never got back int
  17. Maybe I'm a bad person but I don't really care for the small record stores. Every time I go into those places, they're mostly jerks, who give me the attitude that I'm not totally cool because I'm buying some Wilco or Songs: Ohia records. I go where I can get the records I want for the cheapest price, usually the internet now.
  18. I was wondering how long before Hiller would crack. That was a really impressive game by Boston. I really think they can turn things around. Tell me about it! I can't stand when games start at 4 or 5 here.
  19. Yes, yes it does, actually!
  20. If you play "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" backwards you can hear the entire plan. But shhhh keep it to yourself.
  21. For a second there, you were one of the top-5 coolest people I knew.
  22. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  23. Ottawa = a 1 line team with no goaltending, defense, or secondary scoring. I wouldn't worry about that. Not that they will but I'd be afraid of them turning into a San Jose, not an Ottawa.
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