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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Canucks win -- not surprised. Good to see them playing Canuck hockey again. Ducks have a healthy 2-0 lead on the Wings right now. Nucks vs Ducks and Bs vs Caps conference finals? Hmm
  2. I don't know why but I'm rooting for Crosby. Probably my patriotism kicking in. Though I do not like how he complained about people throwing hats on the ice. Further more, why would you throw away a perfectly good hat??? And even further morer why the hell do I get scheduled to work EVERY time there is a Canucks game?!
  3. And done a reggae version of the old Whalers theme song, the best theme song in sports.
  4. MARKUS NASLUND HAS RETIRED!!! EDIT: All the teams that swept in the first round are tied 1-1 now. Hmmm!!
  5. Blackhawks for the cup in a few years for sure, and I'll gladly cheer them on (plus Byfuglien is a former Prince George Cougar). They're a much more complete team then the other teams that got good by sucking for so long (Pittsburgh). But I still doubt that they will win the series, I was expecting the Cancuks to lose either this one or the next... I mean they had won 8 in a row already, a loss was bound to come there way. There's too much parity to make it 16-0 in the playoffs these days. It was disheartening to see them blow a 2-0 lead... at that point I started getting excited and thinking
  6. Anyone see that Mike Brown hit? Ouch
  7. Oops I was at work last night. The third period did not actually scare me, this team doesn't give up which is the biggest difference from the 07-08 Canucks to the 08-09. They haven't played in about 10 days, I expected more of the game to be like that. That would have been the easiest game for the Hawks to win at GM Place. Agreed with Wellwood, I'm shocked to see how clutch he is. Resign him, Gillis!!! No suspension for Ben Eager..?! Wtf
  8. Sorry the sexual tension is just TOO much. Anyways, that's awesome Walken. I'm jealous, I wish I could get the time off to drive down to Vancouver for a game.
  9. Jesus Christ man, I never said the Canucks won the cup. How old are you? Your lack of hockey knowledge and your blatant attempts to antagonize make me believe you are in middle school.
  10. Did I say the Ducks didn't win the cup? And Vancouver HAS won the cup, maybe you should check your facts.
  11. Vancouver has won just as many cups as Anaheim, if you want to be like that And yes, I believe the new owner is suspended from the league and facing jail time?? Hmm is that better than Disney? I dunno.
  12. Oh you mean the MIGHTY DUCKS of ANAHEIM? The franshise responsible for these classics? The very same team that barely made it past the juggernauts of Nashville and Edmonton? The same team who's GM quit in the middle of the season to go to another franchise? Leaving them with horrible cap problems? Right, I seem to remember that team, no beat down, I just recall winning the 08-09 series against them.... Hmm. Oh and something about them picking up the Canuck castaways like Morrison, Bertuzzi, and May... how'd that work out for you??? Anyways, this thread was nice and civil before you got h
  13. Can't say I do but please don't be a troll. K? Thanks
  14. You are either a Flames fan or an Oilers fan but either way you're jealous that your team is out golfing. Winston already proved he knows nothing about the Canucks when he predicted them finishing 12th in the conference and you're now proving you know absolutely nothing about hockey.
  15. The remake of Slap Shot can't be any worse then the recently released Slap Shot 3: The Juniour League... featuring the world's biggest douche, Mark Messier. But to be honest I have never seen Slap Shot... I know, I'm a bad Canadian.
  16. Can't believe Marty B. let in a few softies and blew the series. Guess it just wasn't their year... I'd really like to see him win another cup.
  17. He might have. It just cheezes me off that he'd go to the Rangers of all teams. I don't really care though, just glad he is gone. Maybe traitor was a little harsh. Clearly I'm just in a bad mood today haha.
  18. Sorry man I take my Canucks very seriously. Very, very seriously. Bjorn, sucks for the Rangers. Though it does make me happy to see Nazzy go down. Traitor. And all those people who say Sundin passed over the better club for more money. Alright gentlemen!! SECOND ROUND. Yesss..... I expect predictions from each of you. Bruins vs Hurricanes - Bruins in 6 Capitals vs Penguins (holy shit!!!!) - Oh man.. I dunno... I'm going to say Pens in 7. I bet the NHL is stoked to have Crosby vs Ovechkin in the playoffs. Red Wings vs Ducks - Ducks in... 7?? This series is hard, cause I can't tell if th
  19. Holy fuck. Did you watch that game? Do you follow this team? Luongo stopped 60 of 62 shots that night. Luongo has said it himself and most of the broadcasters/analysts/writers/fans that follow this team agree, THAT WAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST HOCKEY GAME HE HAS EVER PLAYED. Him having an upset stomach and having to use the washroom has nothing to do with "choking". It's a lot easier for a forward or defenseman to stop off the bench and quickly run into the bathroom. It wasn't like any goals got scored on the Canucks at that time. The game winning goal was scored on a Ducks over power player, and I
  20. When the fuck has Luongo ever once choked?!
  21. Canucks in five or six. Luongo is just too great, the squad is just too tight... to be honest I can't see any team in the West beating them at the moment, Ducks and Wings included. Well well, Kesler nominated for the Selke, just as I predicted, contrary to everyone's nay saying. The AHL is moving to Abbotsford, BC
  22. Out of all the under performing Sharks, I've been most unimpressed with Nabokov. The Sharks have out shot the Ducks but he's being out goaltended by a young goalie from Europe. I don't know why Thornton gets all the blame and Marleau gets none, Marleau is the captain after all. Predictions: Hawks will win. Devils will win. Capitals will win Ducks will win. Got an e-mail from NHL.com today saying they have free customization on all jerseys today only... if anyone is interested.
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