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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. I bet it will go gold pretty fast. Bonnie"Prince" Billy's new one the letting go is already gold and it seems wilco is highly more poplar than will. At least from what I have seen.
  2. Pot Kettle Black is suppose to NOT fade out. I think that is the only difference. at least that I am aware of. But I only got it today... Listened to it 3 times intensly already tho. haha.
  3. no dice. went for 66 bucks. that is a little steep for me. But at least my YHF vinyl came today!
  4. Haha It looks like its finally up! http://wilcoworld.net/roadcase/index.php
  5. www.knkisser.net www.cagedream.blogspot.com www.differentwaters.blogspot.com and ofcourse mine which sucks and I never update it and most the links are expired- www.worldsbestdad.blogspot.com
  6. That is what I thought but it was all tagged as Jeff Tweedy.
  7. oh sure thing. It might have to wait til tomorrow afternoon tho.
  8. WilcoWeb said they were going to put it back up this weekend but it never happened hopefully they will soon so some one can record it off there.
  9. so are these all tweedy solo songs?
  10. thanks for the heads up on this. I was really bummed to have missed the webcast.
  11. http://www.sendspace.com/file/rglon5
  12. 3 more hours and I might have AM!
  13. looks like its time for a disk 3 too...
  14. while we are at I think it would be really cool of everyone not to bid on AM vinyl since I am the high bidder with only a few hours to go...
  15. I've seen that at the store a few times. It looked interesting but I'd never buy it.
  16. I do at home. I can upload it later.
  17. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Ease Down The Road.
  18. I would really like it if some one would upload this.
  19. if its up I sure can't figure out how to work it.
  20. I was referring to ebay. It comes up on there every couple months.
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