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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. I'm stoked for the new angels of light disk.
  2. isn't there a 13 minute live version too? if any one has that it'd be cool to hear. and thanks froggy be looking forward to that.
  3. I forgot Eureka by good ol' diamond james.
  4. Don't believe in people who say its all been done they have time to talk because their race is run. -DCB My anaconda don't want none unless its gots buns hun. -Bill Callahan like a baby still born, like a beast with his horn, I swear by this song and all I have done wrong I will make it all up to thee. - Leonard Cohen (I'm not sure if its completely accurate just going off of memory)
  5. oh I see it that way I suppose. I love the halfway to a threeway lyrics. Amung my favourite lyrics ever.
  6. word. whats the last one?
  7. I hate fevers and mirrors and everything before but the last 3 have been really good so I'm pretty sure I will like this one too. I had a bootleg from almost a year ago with four winds on it but it was titled whore of babylon. Really good track. Haven't heard the ep tho. And isn't M Ward suppose to be on this record too?
  8. yeah that title sucks. Good thing I don't like spoon or I might be pissed.
  9. silver jews - american water wilco - agib pavement - brighten the corners palace - lost blues and other songs neil young - on the beach. as of now. and i could very much live without these albums they are just my faves as of now
  10. Yeah I was going to post about this a week or so ago but decided not to. Really cool.
  11. yeah I always thought that version was studio too. I don't remember any crowd noise. I will have to give it another listen today.
  12. I like the last 3 a lot more but I doubt I could live with myself for throwing out being there.
  13. if any one is feeling extra giving you can buy me a plane ticket to chicago and then i will come.
  14. I think AGIB has the best flow. to teach his own I suppose.
  15. last time I saw them was on the AGIB tour it was only 35 bucks.
  16. there are apparently 6 + that didn't make the album. I bet we will hear all of them most likely in one way or another.
  17. a good idea would be to tape it possibly SBD then ask for a donation to all who download it. I donated to the Kawaski (sp?) fund when I download those '05 vic shows.
  18. last time I saw wilco they played every song from agib. It was great.
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