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Everything posted by owl

  1. I don't think that what you put in bold is untrue, for the most part. However, I won't say that I was terribly disappointed to see that she's done.
  2. I guess then, similarly, Democrats are rising toward greater amounts of Democrats. (I really meant to joke anyway, as in being a member Democratic party (of which I'm not) is being a member of the party of self-loathing.) Some, however, might not call it self-loathing, but perhaps humility- as opposed to arrogance. Either way, I don't think that America is a package deal, as in "like it or leave it." I'm sure there are aspects or our fine country that you strongly dislike. This does not amount to self-loathing, though some would apply that same conclusion to liberals who want change. I
  3. You might first clarify exactly what self-loathing is rising toward?
  4. Well, at least you'll admit that the Democrats are on the rise.
  5. I guess we should establish why it's necessary in the first place to display an endorsement of a particular religion's philosophy on government property? I think we should just avoid it altogether. Isn't your freedom of speech enough to allow you to promote your religious philosophy or quote your holy book? Why does it need to be government sanctioned? What if someone instead wanted to put a quote from the Koran about "killing the infidels" at the same government building? How do you think you would react? I have a feeling that more Christians would be up in arms about that, compared to th
  6. Oh, I thought you were talking about the U.S. hanging itself.
  7. Now there's a new and innovative idea that has potential! Oh wait, you're speaking cryptically about Operation Iraqi Freedom. Nevermind.
  8. Hey, if it's any consolation, if people can pretend that Rush isn't a drug addict, and that O'Reilly isn't sexually poivoise, and that John Stossel isn't an ass, you can probably still believe that Newt dislikes Hillary as much as he did in the 90s.
  9. The first article that came up was from CBS news, but I'll link to it anyway: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/13/...ain695090.shtml Shit man, there's even an article on the ever-lovable NewsMax: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/5/11/162957.shtml
  10. I don't know what to tell you. There are no original ideas or plans coming from anyone, unless you count throwing shit at the fan just to see what happens. As far as doing little more than criticizing the other side of the aisle, I'm not sure where on the Republican side I'd heap my praise. I might only praise them for finally putting a human face on corrupt lobbying practices. (And don't forget that Newt and Hillary are buddies now.)
  11. Har har, I guess speaking from the "smarts is bad" standpoint, you're probably right.
  12. Yeah, she's not my first choice- but I'd still vote for her. I hope that Obama lives up to his promise, too. He has potential to be a great man.
  13. I don't agree with all of them, but those are some pretty interesting ideas. The gov't definitely needs the people to put them in a tighter stranglehold (or one at all) instead of vice versa.
  14. The media needs reform too, and it's a long time coming. Too bad people are addicted to the television. It'll happen eventually. But the real problem is not just that the media tells people that a candidate isn't electable- although it's a travesty that elections are made-for-TV events at all- the real problem is that the media will regurgitate anyone's statement and portray it as truth, as long as they can attribute it to someone. And in this day and age, nobody hears anything beyond the first statement. Factual mistakes and retractions are admitted about 1/4 as loudly as the original state
  15. It would be nice to have a viable third party (and I mean truly viable) that can unite the two ideologies by combining their views into a more flexible platform. Both Dems and Republicans want change in the country, but they both want it their way and no other. Elections are 50/50 because the public isn't sure that there's even a difference between the two, and all of the unanswered questions are ones without definitive answers (abortion, stem cells, gay marriage). After all, liberals can be anti-abortion, republicans can be anti-homophobia, and both can be pro-stem cells. But there is no flex
  16. That sounds pretty good to me, although Kucinich's preoccupation with high gas prices bugs me a little. As far as I'm concerned, let the prices rise and force us to find alternatives! It's going to happen anyway.
  17. That would be pretty sweet if they nominated one of the above turds. Hell, nominate DeLay!
  18. I honestly don't think they'll do it, especially given their finicky nature and fear of risk-taking. I think you're right, though, cryptique.
  19. Yeah, I know that Gore is basically already counted-out, but if I had my way he'd be the President in 2008. I hope Hillary doesn't run, as much as I'd like to see a smart female president. If she does run, I'll still vote for her, but she's so polarizing it's scary.
  20. Maybe AWATT has it right- if you want your kid to listen to something else, just make sure that YOU listen to it All The Time!
  21. I don't know that a desire to keep your kid away from bad music with bad messages or today's TV is necessarily "conservative." It's not even necessarily sheltering a kid, in my view. The fact that kids learn about these things anyway isn't a reason to allow an uncontrolled flow of crap into your home, either. Stem it off where you can, if you ask me. I don't even think that I would want my kid subscribing to magazines like Rolling Stone or Glamour! I can tell you this: my subscription to (what I now realize is 99% crap) Rolling Stone made me want to do drugs, and I did, and I screwed up a
  22. He's a two-face, no doubt about it. Similarly, as liberal as I am, I once really respected Hillary but that also is waning in my mind. Here's to Gore '08.
  23. Even though the Bush/Cheney bumper stickers seem to be on the decline in my (very) conservative Lancaster County, PA, I recently saw a guy with Santorum '06 and Bush/Cheney '04 stickers on his truck. He might as well have a sticker that says "God hates fags," if you ask me.
  24. My ladyfriend bought one for me last year. It is a cool little instrument.
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