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Everything posted by owl

  1. Exactly. The Pres. is not at all feeling a sense of urgency about stopping this, in my opinion. Bush is perfectly happy to know that another nation is joining in on the long term attempt to cripple/put the hurt on Middle-Eastern regimes.
  2. Well, the only way we've chosen to intervene is to overnight deliver bombs and missiles, no questions asked, to Israel. Apologies. Damn, that's some dense sarcasm.
  3. Wow, I can't believe you're serious. I thought you were joking, at first. Using your logic, anyone who criticizes the American gov't is anti-American, anyone who criticizes any government in Africa is anti-African, anyone who criticizes the Mexican government is anti-Mexican. I don't suppose there are Israelis who'd be against this war. Are they anti-Semitic too? I think maybe you're the one who needs to tone it down.
  4. Tenenbaums is a great movie and still redeems them in my mind. A couple more stinkers down the line, though, and I might have to retract my statement.
  5. Why not just listen to them once and then delete to get a feel for it. That's what I did and I don't think it will compromise the "don't listen to leaks" policy.
  6. I guess that's what you get when you fail to read even your own autobio.
  7. For those who don't want to do the bittorrent of the Tweedy show, you can download it here (still FLAC, though): http://download.loperco.com/20060408tweedy_sns_matrix_flac
  8. This one is supposed to be pretty sweet: http://www.clavia.se/nordelectro/ http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Ele...rgan?sku=702625 I've wanted it for a while. Maybe someday I'll actually buy it.
  9. I'll gladly host the whole thing losslessly on my site until Judgment Day if it helps with the spreading of musical love.
  10. The first thing to note, regardless of who was good and bad, is that the sound in the arena was awful. Worst sound I've ever heard. I'm sure it contributed to people's negative reactions about ok go and Ted Leo. Second thing to note is that Ok Go were indeed horrible. The lead singer was clearly a douche, and he even talked about how he went to Brown and the last time he was there, he was "really, uh, drunk." Wow, interesting. You're a jackass. Ted Leo was great, as usual. I can't imagine him ever being bad. But the sound was so awful, I can understand how people might not have really seen h
  11. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart has some great footage on the bonus DVD.
  12. I've found that using a good microphone to record from your amp is just about as good as a line in. Do you have a 1/8" jack? Actually, this might not be any help at all. I don't really know how PC audio works (I use a Mac).
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