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you ever seen a ghost?

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Posts posted by you ever seen a ghost?

  1. i saw Iron & Wine/Califone there back in April. i like to get up close, so we'll see. it is almost walking distance for me...i live on 15th St. and Main. how about you? didn't i meet you at the last Wilco show in C-ville? oddly enough, that was in line for the bathrooms! i wasn't even kidding!



  2. I'd travel to Richmond to see teh Wilco's. Richmond is a fine City. :thumbup



    I'll take the band to dinner!




    if they do come, we should all get together at a bar afterwards. i say afterwards, because, unfortunately, i hate to drink before a show (especially GA), because inevitably, i have to piss like 50 times. if it's at The National, there aren't any bars near and if there were, you wouldn't want to go there. not on that part of Broad Street!




    p.s. i'd still go to the bar before. i'm just saying is all.

  3. you can still buy the Down With Wilco LP.


    yes, and then he can spend the change leftover on all of the turntable and other equipment to transfer it to his computer.


    that having been said, i can supply you with the KT iTunes bonus tracks if you give me your e-mail address.



  4. nobody wants to hear from me, but the EP is probably a 2009 release. technically, the vinyl version is being sold at shows, while the CD will be in brick and mortars in January, but i'd bet the back of the vinyl version says 2009.


    now, the back of the limited edition of For Emma, Forever Ago being sold throughout the latter half of 2007 says 2007!



  5. that simply points out that things aren't set in stone, therefore following that notion through in regard to the most interesting thing about Bon Iver's album (that being it's release date), we can conclude that this too is not set in stone as well. or not?


    well, i would say that the statment "the phrase 'card sharp' prefigures the variant 'card shark'" equates to the 2007 release prefiguring the 2008 one. :-)





    This thread has jumped the sharp...





  6. Both are acceptable terms as far as I know... maybe that wasn't the best example to use :D.


    well, i don't want to be pedantic, but it is a thornier issue than that.


    for example, searching on dictionary.com, there is no entry for cardshark, but if you look up cardsharp, you get the definition.


    wikipedia, citing multiple sources, says:

    According to the prevailing etymological theory, the term "shark", originally meaning "parasite" or "one who preys upon others" (cf. loan shark), derives from German Schorke/Schurke ("rogue" or "rascal"), as did the English word "shirk[er]". "Sharp" developed in the 17th century from this meaning of "shark" (as apparently did the use of "shark" as a name for the fish), but the phrase "card sharp" prefigures the variant "card shark".The original connotation was negative, meaning "swindler" or "cheat", regardless of spelling, with the more positive connotations of "expert" or "skilled player" arising later, and not supplanting the negative ones."Card sharp" and "card shark" are synonymous, although American English is somewhat, but informally, beginning to favor "shark" as a positive term versus "sharp" as a negative one. (However not even all American dictionaries agree with this, and some suggest the opposite.)



  7. It doesn't, unless pedantry is your thing.



    what if it isn't your thing exactly, but you just like to be correct. and not "technically correct" either. like correct correct. i bet the people that refer to it as a 2008 release also say "cardshark" instead of "cardsharp" and "liberry" instead of "library."



  8. This argument is so tired. Its official label release was February '08, and that's good enough for me.


    question: if one wanted to, could one have purchased the album in 2007?

    answer: yes.


    question: what would the date on the back of that edition read?

    answer: 2007.


    question: do self-released records not count? do we have to wait until it comes out on a label?

    answer: of course not. In Rainbows was originally self-released and came out in 2007, not 2008 silly.


    question: was it widely available in 2007?

    answer: yes, but not physically. reading all the best of lists it topped (PITCHFORK), one could have easily downloaded it and determined it was a good one and one of their favorites of the year. the year 2007.



  9. 1. Bob Dylan - The Bootleg Series, Vol. 8: Tell Tale Signs (Rolling Stone listed it and it is not a reissue either, like Murmur or Stardust).

    2. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes

    3. TV On The Radio - Dear Science,

    4. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant [EP]

    5. Department Of Eagles - In Ear Park

    6. Kanye West 808s & Heartbreak

    7. Blitzen Trapper - Furr

    8. Beck - Modern Guilt

    9. Animal Collective - Water Curses [EP]

    10. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges...even though i don't think it is that good...it was kind of a crappy year for music. nowhere near as good as 2007 was or as 2009 will be.


    note: Bon Iver was LAST year.


    other "okay" stuff: David Byrne & Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today, Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst, The Roots - Rising Down, Lil Wayne - The Carter III, Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend, Of Montreal -Skeletal Lamping, Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple, Dr. Dog - Fate, The Decemberists - Always The Bridesmaid singles series



  10. Watch out with that Oregon Hill comment Justin! 13 proud years! Ed who runs Mama Zu and Edo's also runs 8 1/2, the takeout place on Strawberry Street by the Video Fan.


    my bad!


    i have had some of the take-out pizza from 8 1/2. love how their sign is the logo for the Fellini film! but, if we're talking pizza, Mary Angella's can't be beat!


    i know you fellow Richmonders have seen it written in Style, Richmond and elsewhere, but this city is nothing but restaurants, is it not? people in the 804 love to eat!



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