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you ever seen a ghost?

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Posts posted by you ever seen a ghost?

  1. i think this is Wilco's In Rainbows. they've taken everything they've learned over the past few albums and made an album that is unquestionably Wilco-esque and at the same time, fantastic. yeah, it's not revolutionary like Kid A or Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but it isn't trying to be. they're on the other side of that, making consistently great albums.



  2. Which 930 club show are you talking about? If it's one of the ones from '08 I need to somehow get a copy. I know they aired one of the two shows on NPR, so I'm thinking it's probably that one, though I would love to have a recording of the 2/26/08 show. I don't think a set list will ever get better than that (for me at least): http://www.wilcobase.com/event.php?event_key=1107


    As for KT, it's easily got some of my favorite recordings on it. That version of Handshake Drugs and One by One are great.



    i'm sure he means the one you could download officially if you pre-ordered the Ashes of American Flags documentary. it is from 2008, i think, not sure which night.



  3. does anyone else find the piecemeal way they are doling this out really annoying? i really want to read the list and their comments, but i don't want to go to this website 20 times for 20 days to read them all.



  4. Now I'm on to the second disc and this thing is just wonderful. I wish the liner notes (all I have is the vinyl copy) listed where each track came from. The only thing I would change is I would have chosen the slower version of Love Vigilantes that has been out for awhile.


    correct me if i am wrong, but i was almost certain that "Love Vigilantes" was the same version as the one that has been out awhile, which is off of an iTunes-only compilation.



  5. I must have missed this.


    I've listened through Around the Well today and I like it quite a bit.


    Kinda pisses me off that I bought Shepherd's Dog through Sub Pop just so I could buy the Boy W A Coin single and get an "exclusive" CD with 2 songs and now all are on this. oh well. It was only $9.99 at Best Buy.


    I have another single, I think Passing Afternoon with Forsaken, but I think it's a live radio take and this one is studio (or home studio i guess).


    i did the same thing, i ordered Shepherd's Dog through Sub Pop to have a lossless copy of the bonus disc. then, when my shipment was lost (along with others), they threw in the "Boy With A Coin" single for free, which was even better because i was really digging the .mp3 of "Carried Home." now, both are pointless. it is good that you have the "Passing Afternoon" single though, because that version of "Dearest Forsaken" is pretty nice. you are correct about that BTW, the Around the Well version was on the Sub Pop vinyl single series and is home studio...way out of print.



  6. But see, Justin, that's my point. I'm not a desired demographic. I dont fit in with the Dylan crowd, I'm not into Disney stuff. RS doesn't focus on what I like, and that's OK because they need to sell magazines. I'm sure Gwen sells more covers than Sonic Youth/Wilco or any of the other bands I dig. I appreciate your admiration for Dylan, though.


    it is a bit more complicated than that. even as a massive Dylan fan, i don't fit into their demographic either. i buy the issues with Dylan interviews/features (one every two or three years) and that's about it. RS is pretty much the only magazine (because they are so big) that Dylan even deals with. besides that, the reason we don't fit into their demographic is simply that we are apparently discerning music nerds. aside from featuring airbrushed pop stars that don't even make music on the cover, they generally heap praise on any pile of shit that comes across top 40 radio these days. they're literally the Entertainment Weekly of the music world. now, we can't be too elitist and say that the mag needs to only focus on the new Animal Collective album and an interview with Jandek, because we know the general public isn't going to buy that. and still, some of their essays and articles are quite nice, but the main focus of the magazine is supposed to be music and now their target market is apparently tweens and James Taylor-listening ex hippies. there has to be some middle ground, but whatever that middle ground is, RS isn't anywhere within sight of it



  7. i agree with you about the sound. it's got a lot of high end. also, the unreleased stuff on that demo are not too revelatory.


    yes, he should just put it out online. i mean, what's the point of physical media anymore? get vinyl if you want it. otherwise, if neil really wants to cutting edge, putting it all in the cloud is the way to go. then just update that. playboy just did something similar.


    although the demo is cool, it's not user friendly and the rumors are that there's a shit load of easter eggs. neil young is infuriating!







    i saw what looked like a release schedule for reprise on rustlist that showed all the albums being re-released as remasters as well as harvest moon live and toast.


    by any chance did it give a rough timeframe?



  8. that would make sense, wouldn't it? however, the entire albums from this early period are not on the archives. only select songs.



    like he said, the full albums are not on there.


    but, to answer the question anyway, the market for the remastered albums is still going to be pretty high. i know i want to replace my old copies. also, there will be plenty of people not buying Archives, who want the remasetered albums (::raises hand::)


    they really should have included the full albums on Archives though...it wouldn't have been but a handful of songs to make it complete...


    what a mess this project is.



  9. Glad i could help.....


    this guy doesn't really know what he is talking about, but hey, ....its all good....


    Regarding the creepy and subversive Modern Times, I think I need to go back and listen to the songs again (even though a couple years ago I listened over and over...) to explain this further, but taking established songs and elaborating on themes set out by someone else (Memphis Minnie, Muddy Waters, Merle Haggard, etc.) and then putting a somewhat post modern spin on them by mixing in politics, free associated couplets, sly dirty old man asides, and talking about not being able to go back somewhere because he killed someone added up to some somewhat disorienting and disquieting listening. Even the invoking of one of Charlie Chaplin's greatest triumph's, about modern times that are no longer modern, is somewhat subversive. Reviewing the words of Modern Times reminded me just how interesting some of the turn of phrases Dylan used that he doesn't seem to use to as great effect on this new one. See here for the words...most of them blow the new album out of hte water...




    the disorienting and disquieting part is a good thing! i love MT...especially lyrically. i think the new album is great (not as good as the previous two, but great all the same). it isn't nearly as dense lyrically. some of the lyrics definitely sneak up on you, but overall, it is pared down.



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