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the letter k

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Everything posted by the letter k

  1. The best part about that was they had a Q&A with him and like 4 of the 6 questions were Wilco related. I couldn't help but laugh. He HAS to get sick of that shit.
  2. Holy crap! Great/tough question. So many of you have given lines that I love, and I'll admit that mine change from time to time, but I've always loved: "I always thought that if I held you tightly You'd always love me like you did back then Then I fell asleep in the city kept blinking What was I thinking when I let you back in" -IATTBYH
  3. Live Sunken Treasure. That's what I'd pick, but if it didn't work, I'll play Jesus, Etc. It's crazy how that song hooks people from the first note.
  4. As much as Jay Bennet drives me crazy, I still think he added a good dynamic to the band.
  5. I've had a copy of their 2 CD's for awhile and I LOVE them. Is there anything else from them, or anything related to them that I should look for? I saw a live disk from the lead singer on allmusic.com, has anybody heard that? If so, is it worth persuing?
  6. Wait Up Accuff-Rose New Madrid Long Cut Gun Wherever Speaking of Wherever, does anybody have a copy of that song they're willing to send me?
  7. that's my favorite CD released so far this year.
  8. how do you think all of us in St. Louis feel? Shit, he's bascially FROM here!!!
  9. agreed, and that's what sort of turned me off about it at first. There doesn't seem to be that one "rocker" on it, but they still do a good job. The more I listen, the more I like. I still think Thickfreakness is their best. That's the one that I first heard, so I think that has a lot to do with it.
  10. worth noting: Brendan Benson is the engineer for that album. Jack Lawrence and Patrick Keeler of Greenhonres and Racanteurs fame are also in the backing band. In other words, all 4 of the memebers of The Racanteurs are involved in the making of this album
  11. I haven't seen the set list for the DVD or the live show. Is the live CD just he "soundtrack" to the DVD, or are they different shows? Either way, I'll pick up both ASAP.
  12. i saw no mention of this album anywhere. Has anybody picked it up yet? I normally LOVE all Keys songs the second I hear them, but for whatever reason, this album took a few listens for me to fall in love with it.
  13. Awhile back I saw a video from somebody that covered Radiohead's "Just" and I can't for the life of me remember who it was. Does anybody know who it was, and do you have a copy of it to share? Thanks edit: I realize that was quite vague. Saw it on Subterranean, and it was kind of a jazzed up cover.
  14. I had been listening to basically live/solo shows the past few months, and I finally just threw AGIB in and loved hearing it again. My favorite is hearing the songs on "random" with a bunch of other music (iPod shuffle), it sounds so much better IMO.
  15. I don't care if she's 16, she's hot. Since when was it wrong to think 16-year-olds are hot?
  16. I saw Letters to Cleo in a small joint in St. Louis years ago, and I have to say the song Rimshak (or something like that) was one of the best live songs I've ever heard. They were a no namer at the time and were openning up for somebody else (can't remember anymore) and when they played that song live, everybody in the place just stopped and stared. I've never seen anything like it at a concert since.
  17. I have two words for you: The Lima
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