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Everything posted by mjpuczko

  1. Dead on for me. I love this album and don't care about the lyrics, which is weird for me because that's the usually the first thing I look for.
  2. bon iver is one of the artists i don't care about lyrics. hell, i still have no clue what he's saying on most of the first album but i still enjoy it.
  3. ha! really? that's weird.
  4. The beatles also weren't working with kanye in between records
  5. hey, did you hear that Osama bin Laden's dead? just making sure news is getting to your rock ;-)
  6. same here. GodDAMN is right. loving this. that album cover is great too.
  7. it's pretty cool. oddly though, i have very little music on my ipad
  8. me either! i just watched it on youtube this morning sidenote: if you've never seen kimmel's 'this week in unnecessary censorship', watch one. hysterical. he's the best late night talk show host.
  9. raphael was on jimmy kimmel live last night. good stuff.
  10. Clouds is awesome. It's in my top 5.
  11. same for me. i love that era (include animals as well)
  12. liking it so far. nice guitar/riffs
  13. Hotel shampoo or the new Foos is my AOTY.
  14. huh. the first 3 songs are pure bliss
  15. i love the mellow/poppy vibe on hotel shampoo. it's got a great spring/summer vibe to it. and the horns on a few tracks are killer. i think rdio has SFA records so i'll check them out. that movie sounds interesting too. thanks for the tips!
  16. Listened to gruff rhys' hotel shampoo today (3 times actually). Totally obsessed. Is there a sup furry animals album similar to this one?
  17. Steve was on qtv recently. Apparently he and Alison are having a baby. Weird
  18. i think it's my fave foo's record. not a single song i'll skip. every album until now has had at least 2 songs i'm so so on. this album kicks ass front to back.
  19. i added that to my rdio colleciton. i can't stop listening to it. my favorite waste of time is fantastic.
  20. lately for me: the whole new foo fighters album, particularly the last song 'walk'. killer song.
  21. i love isbell but honestly can't stand his new one. the lyrics are so bad. i keep listening hoping something will grab me but nothing ever does. sad.
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