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Everything posted by mjpuczko

  1. matthew ryan - vs the silver state dulce et is so damn good. this really might make my top 10 of the decade. star to finish it's fantastic. and i don't really dig his other stuff. so weird.
  2. oooh. is that the new one? loved the first one, second was so-so.
  3. these united states - everything loves everything really like this one. not sure if i like it more than crimes yet.
  4. black rebel motorcycle club - b.r.m.c. been waaay too long. this might've been one of the first bands solace recommended to me!
  5. bon iver - for emma, forever ago been a while.
  6. you think heartbreaker is too poppy? huh. gold is definitely his 'poppiest' record, imo. it's also most likely my fave (that or cold roses)
  7. i was just discussing this with my wife. where are the end of the decade lists? and yes, that would be in my top 5 of the 2000's
  8. i think their last album was fantastic also. start to finish (maybe one song was bleh).
  9. drive by truckers - the fine print.. i was so excited to hear their cover of rebels. it's kinda boring imo.
  10. these united states - everything loves everything no idea they had a new one out. LOVED the last one.
  11. for me, he's insanely hit or miss. i also have to be in the right mood for him.
  12. doing the 30-song shuffle thing for facebook. only 2 songs in.
  13. just posted in the NP thread. i cannot get enough of this album. it's fantastic. has that sharon jones vibe going on. i love that a motown-type sound is making a comeback.
  14. Just listened to the whole thing. Wow wow wow.
  15. love comes & goes this is fantastic shit.
  16. hysterical. i love weird al but yeah, not going to buy his albums & listen over & over.
  17. patterson hood - murdering oscar coming around on this one. some really great songs.
  18. cracker - sunrise in the land of milk & honey i can't stop. i seriously think this is my album of the year.
  19. ha. every time i start the album i never realize dulce et is 7 min long. it does not feel like it
  20. matthew ryan - vs silver state such a great record.
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