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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. Yes. This story shows the general consensus of U.S. government on the issue of firearms. The actions of this police officer are a perfect projection of how lawmakers at a state and federal level treat the issue. The gun owner is clearly a symbol of all free Americans who legally owns a gun and face constant targeting and discrimination. I pray for him.
  2. Interesting article that covers a number of issues that have come up on here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lynn-parramore/the-deficit-nine-myths-we_b_553527.html Other myths busted: Myth #1: The government should balance its books like a private household. Reality: Our federal government is the issuer of the currency, which makes its budget fundamentally different than the average citizen's. Myth #3: We are passing on debt to our grandchildren. Reality: Payments on Treasury securities are a matter of data entry, not a financial burden. Myth #4: What we don't tax we have to borrow from
  3. So you're saying because the nation is in really bad shape we should cut off aid that we've been providing for its most at-risk citizens? On a total other topic we owe our asses to foreign interests because of laissez faire economic policies. No one wants to make things in the U.S. because our workers have a standard of living that is legally guaranteed. Shareholders and CEO's gradually sold out U.S. manufacturing in the 20th century and it would take some protectionist policies, and some painful readjustment to get any of that back.
  4. I don't get the benefits debate. So we've been paying to help a large number of people in our country. We've been doing it. Allocating those resources has worked out. Why the urgency from a common citizen to cut people off? Do you really think you're personally going to save money by leaving a senior citizen with a shrunken grocery budget? Many people's federal taxes are still lower than they were in the 90's which was radically lower than everyone's were in the 60's and 70's.
  5. Yeah Blake Schwarzenbach has about nothing in common with Oberst vocally. That was probably not the best introduction to JTB if you've never heard them. Orange Rhyming Dictionary is on my top 20 rock albums list. Give this a spin, it's much better and doesn't rob the chord progression from "Sunken Treasure":
  6. On Wishful Thinking there are two things that I find really cool. The first one is how many chords fit without it sounding busy. It's kind of a longer sequence, and the changes on the chorus are pretty quick but it's a really subdued song without all of that information sounding frantic. The other is the cool substitutions that are outside of the scale. The song is in D so the F#min and Bmin are typical, but then on the verse he puts in Emaj so there's a G# outside of the scale that settle back down to a G on the Gmaj that follows. Same deal later on the outro chorus where Amin puts in
  7. Every time I pick up a guitar and read through "Wishful Thinking" I find its changes to be very clever. Great song.
  8. My friend's ears have been fucked up his whole life. He got some surgeries as a teen under his parents' insurance, and has been poor and uninsurable since he got off. His ear stuff was pre-existing and he could only qualify for a very expensive plan. He has health insurance for the first time in 10 years because of the ACA. On the budget deal: neither party wanted another shutdown because they couldn't afford the public opinion fallout. This congress has been rated the worst. Also, some polls indicated the last shutdown was more damaging to the GOP's polling than the Dems. I think fuck
  9. Two different things here. This thread of the conversation started with the culture of Iran. Maybe some of the misunderstanding came from my vague use of the term "political culture", by which I didn't mean the regime, but the popular ideologies, values and social conscience which translates as the political interest of the majority, not the administration. As is typically the situation (see China) where gradual reform creates a combination of incomplete but noteworthy changes that fast-forwarded decades would look something like a semi-successful revolution. Hixter is focused on the Ira
  10. HIxter, do you think I could find a video of a gathering in America that would make it look scary? (Westboro Baptist, Tea Part rally etc)
  11. Most of what I know about Iran, I learned from Persepolis. Nothing to be proud of, but I suppose a memoir tells you something. It would seem if young urban Iranians are enthusiastic about the west, it is because they see it as a place with more personal freedom and expression. Rightfully so. Meanwhile Iran seems to be going through an awkward, inevitable, but glacial shift towards being a moderate political culture. From the U.S. perspective I can't get over how readily, and hungrily we hopped into wars with Afghanistan, and Iraq as relatively weak countries, yet we are oh-so careful wit
  12. That pedal is awesome. I can't remember seeing a pedal with a overdrive and fuzz in one. Cool move by Durham.
  13. My bandmate had a Beano Boost for a while. It's based on the Rangemaster which is kind of the classic treble booster, I believe Jimmy Page helped make it famous. The intention is to add a lot of high frequencies while boosting the tone, so your guitar hits your amp harder and overdrives it with extra brightness to cut through the band. It can be pretty damn bright. As for all around rhythm stuff you probably want an overdrive. There are so many boutique options that will smoke your Boss, but cost a good deal more. I would look at any Analogman, Freakshow, Xotic, Fulltone, Keeley stuff..
  14. This is still in the top 10 most important rock guitar pieces for me. It's up there near Marquee Moon in my book.
  15. It would seem any lengthily political discussion inevitably (necessarily?) veers at some point in to how to have a political discussion. I only hope our tiffs can be instructive.
  16. I have an AC Booster made by xotic effects. It ranges from subtle boost, to substantial overdrive. It can't really do metal, but with the gain up all the way and humbuckers it get's pretty saturated. It has a ton of room to lighten up into shades of dirty/clean gray below that. It has both a bass and a treble knob for eq and preserves mids, and playing dynamics really well. I've been thinking about getting a Freakshow Brown Rabbit, because it seems to be a different beast, and also because I like my Freakshow 2010 boost, and Freakshow Ripple Tremolo, and also because the Wilco guys like
  17. Yet the way you paraphrased it was already a big improvement on the argument. And I agree; no economy is fail safe. Ever.
  18. It's a terrible point. Comparing bankruptcy to slavery could only work in a really good poem, and she's no poet. It's just another paint by number hyperbolic political comment, all she needs is to figure out how to compare the administration's spending to Pearl Harbor, Hitler, and Stalin.
  19. Thanks for that. I threw on my headphones on the way to work and heard her sing "jjjjegar" (instead of llegar) and went, "I just said she was Chileno that's dumb, she sounds like an Aregentine". "Simple Again" might be one of those songs that makes me wistfully sigh every time I hear it, like when I'm 80 even.
  20. Juana Molina is really cool. I have enjoyed Son quite a bit, I'll have to check out her new one. For those unfamiliar, Molina plays what is technically electronic music, but it sounds pretty organic. There are a lot of tightly wound, tiny sounds, layered densely around her gentle but inscrutable Chileno spanish. Totally unique in my music listening experience.
  21. I actually agree that some level of "warrior play" is going to come out of little boys. My problem is (as the original poster pointed out) all of the media that channels that instinct into an obsession with an unrealistic depiction of war. I really feel that most violence in a PG-13 film is worse because it depicts violence without consequence. It would be better for kids to see a guy get shot and sit there, moan and lose blood while his buddy cries, then to watch a guy get shot and fall away and then he's off camera from there out.
  22. One of my friends told me a tale of his boyhood about this once. He and his buddies were playing imaginary battle games around the house. His dad started asking him why, what was cool about war etc. He was only 10 so he explained that it's cool to shoot the bad guys. His dad (a Nam vet) tried to explain how horrific war is and realized he couldn't find the words. So he sat his kid down and made him watch Apocalypse Now. Basically saying "You see this shit, it's terrifying and awful. Nothing cool about it." My friend said he remembered it being kind of traumatizing but he values the exp
  23. Thunderdome episode IQ off: Hixter vs. PBO! Game on!
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