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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I have refrained from butting in with my .02 in this thread, but this post describes my feelings on the subject more eloquently that I ever could. Well done.
  2. 15 years ago - THE BUSTOUT 6/26/94 - Municipal Auditorium, Charleston, WV Set I: Kung, Llama, The Lizards, Tela, Wilson, AC/DC Bag, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Famous Mockingbird, The Sloth, McGrupp & The Watchful Hosemasters, Divided Sky Set II: Julius, Down With Disease, If I Could, Axilla (Part II), Lifeboy, Sample In A Jar, Wolfman's Brother, Scent Of A Mule, Dog-Faced Boy, Demand > Split Open And Melt Jam > Yerushalayim Shel Zahav E: The Old Home Place, Amazing Grace, Tube, Fire "Gamehoist" show. Set I is Gamehenge with narration between songs ( the first since 3/22/9
  3. "Grateful Dead Symphony", Conner Prarie Farm, Noblesville IN 6/20/09 Lucas Richman, Conductor - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Setlist: Dead Overture, Saint Stephen, Here Comes Sunshine, Mountains Of The Moon, Blues For Allah, Sugar Magnolia, To Lay Me Down, If I Had The World To Give, Stella Blue > Bird Song, China Doll, Dead Finale Poca took me down to this. It was the soothing balm I needed for my frazzled nerve endings from last night's crazy night of the Phish! VERY laid back, enjoyable evening - bring your coolers in, no security to speak of, etc. etc. After the overture thi
  4. Deer Creek 6/19/09 I: Backwards Down The Number Line, AC/DC Bag, Limb By Limb, Moma Dance, Water In The Sky, Split Open & Melt, Lawn Boy, The Wedge, Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan, The Connection*, Ocelot, Fluffhead --------------storm break---------------- II: As Song I Heard The Ocean Sing, Drowned > Twist, Let Me Lie, Tweezer > 2001 > Suzy Greenberg > Possum E: Sleeping Monkey * - 1st time played We rolled into Deer Creek with the easiest access to the venue I've ever had for a Phish show. Remarkable. It was hot as balls (93F, with the humidity near the 90s).
  5. Is anyone here coming down to The Creek on Friday? It would sure be great to see some of you. Shoot me a PM if you are coming. I have no real expectations, except for the usual one - I NEED to hear a Bowie! That damn song has eluded me post-(1st..lol) hiatus..it's been 10 years since I got me a Bowie My daughter caught the first night at Bonnaroo and she was thrilled to death. The sequence of Hood > Hwy to Hell > 2001 > YEM > Wilson > YEM was the highlight for her. She said she heard Trey hit those opening notes and yelled out "WILLLLSONNNN!", and then they DID it. God, I
  6. jc4 - I always thought "Easy Answers" was a fucking snoozefest during its run in the GD rotation ('93-'95), but the Other Ones tour in '98 showed me what the possiblities of the song were. Adding a horn, along with the rest of the lineup, really fleshed the thing out. The 7/15/98 show at Deer Creek is a very worthy example - there were points of it that reminded me of the A Live One version of "Tweezer" - very abstract, yet still rhythmic.
  7. YAY! 6/16 & 18 are VERY fine shows...legendary, even. AND I just got an email saying those were the next shows for the next Road Trips volume! Man, I hope that includes the 6/18 Eyes & the jam out of O1 - that is some of the best of June '74 (imo).
  8. ...and now we delve into the subgenres within the subgenre.. A lot of Rock (that is, not AM teenybopper fodder, but serious rock LOL) from that little window post-Beatles/pre disco period could be considered "progressive" for the most part. When we think of "prog" we think of the bands that have been mentioned more than once here, but there is a real blurring of distinctions between those bands and other artists mining what would be more descriptively called "Art Rock". For example, I would call KC "progressive", but Roxy "art rock" even though Fripp and Eno collaborated with each other fr
  9. My kid (who is 24) texted us from 'Roo tonight. And, although she didn't post a setlist, she did say it was a wonderful time and she was closer to the stage than any previous Wilco show she's been to (about a half-dozen). So, there's that.
  10. Aman, I REALLY hate to hear stuff like that (legal proceedings, etc.). These things nearly always seem to happen with the classic groups from the past that have any relevance. Young men (or women) with the desire to make their music heard work their asses off for recognition, get said recognition, and the fame that comes with it...and then turn into a corporation. With all the bureaucracy and back-biting that accompanies it. Just sick-making. Somewhere along the line the (naive) aspirations get so perverted. And the original camraderie disappears - "I'll have my people get with your people",
  11. I can't recall really hearing the term "prog" until well after the genre had seen its heyday. But I was weaned on the stuff as a teenager in the late '70s. It's still some of the best music ever in my opinion. I'm a freak for real musical chops, so the post- Pepper/pre-punk era remains a steady musical diet for me. One of the things that I find most depressing about the current state of popular music is the lack of real virtuosity in the instrumentation of the tunes. I know someone will bust my balls on that last sentence (and be able to cite specific examples) but by and large there just is
  12. Ahhh...it's great to be back here. My first post-hiatus post, and I KNEW Aman was gonna fix me up with some cool info. Thanks, man.
  13. This really is the first President in my lifetime who doesn't seem to provide instant material for the comedians. Hell, it's there, it just isn't obvious. LBJ, Tricky Dick, Oatmeal Man, Skippy, Ray-Gun, B41, Bubba and Son of B41 are all almost cartoonish and lend themselves to easy parody. I sure wish I had a copy of Richard Belzer doing his HBO standup special from the early '80s. It was 60 solid minutes of nothing but Ray-Gun bashing. Does anyone else remember this? It was truly awesome.
  14. Happy Birthday to all of ya! And Dude - it's always a joy to see you around here.
  15. Hey dunnright - the avatar is from the end of the 8/16/99 ACL show, right? Well done. When I was watching that last night I paused on that for a few and me and the missus got kinda choked up.
  16. That's how I've always looked at it. A prime example to me is "ELT" - some really horrifying dark lyrics surrounded by these beautiful, sunny, twangy guitars and an absolutely gorgeous synth melody. I would think both Jeff and Jay shared a love of old bluegrass - think of those murder ballads and how the words would be juxtaposed with these pretty, instantly 'hummable' melodies.
  17. Thanks for sharing, Bhickman. Hug your loved ones - they will understand what you're going through. Take care.
  18. Still no word from Robert (Basil II) here. He made me a compilation disc his favorite Bennett solo tracks that is excellent. I think I'll bust that one out today. Man, this just digs deep. To everyone who knew him and loved him I just offer my most sincere condolences.
  19. Thanks, honey. When I first heard about this Robert was the first person I thought of.
  20. When we came here today, all we wanted to say is how much we'll miss you.
  21. Donna said she would. I lost his number in the great PM fiasco. Basil II was the dude who broght me here. He's the best.
  22. There will be a midnight screening of 8/16/99 here at the MB Compound. A wake, of sorts. Wish you folks could stop by.
  23. I agree. His gifts are something that will never be duplicated. AND - I'm a total unabashed Nels fan, too.
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