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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I get the feeling this is a rhetorical question. Translated into 64 languages? Over 300 million copies sold? In Florida? It'll be a huge success. It'll probably be a huge success for awhile, too. An amusement park could be successful with a Huggy Bear theme and no one would care, as long as it has the cool rides, gimmicks, geegaws, and whatnot.
  2. I'm late to the discussion on the A-rod deal here today but I'm pretty sure the reason it doesn't happen often (an opposing player shouting out "mine" to mess a fielder up) is because of the potential injury risk involved. And it doesn't happen often. It may not be in the rule book and whether or not it's considered "fair" play is another issue, but guys going after popped up balls get injured often (see: Ryan Freel recently) because of mixed calls/lack of calls/etc. when chasing down the pop-up. I also think it'd be being discussed today whether it was A-rod or not. It is bush-league t
  3. I always assumed it meant the hitter was wearing "protection."
  4. Clemens feels he'll be ready to pitch on June 4 to a barely over-.500 team (CWS) but not 24 hrs. earlier to the current best team in the majors (BOS), apparently. I guess the extra prep time will help.
  5. I agree with the first balk call. Apparently that ump is balk-crazed and calls it a lot. Even so, Benitez was a bag of nerves after walking Reyes. After the two balk calls to tie it the game was over. The SF 'pen was void of help.
  6. Two things you don't see often in a ball game last night. First, watching the NYM v. SF game in extra innings Armando Benitez (former Met closer) gets rattled while facing his opossing team during a tense 12th inning and allows the tying run to score because he caused TWO BALKS in the inning allowing Jose Reyes to advance twice. Reyes had Benitez all jittery with a bunch of fake steal moves, etc. Also, Aaron Hill stole home off of Andy Pettite. He was well over half-way to the plate before Pettite even saw him. Dumbo had jumped up from his crouch and even started heading toward the mound a b
  7. Hockey referees skate, on average, between 9-10 miles per game when officiating solo and a little over 5 mile per game when paired with another official.
  8. I'd guess yes with Clemens. He's got a knack for flair and drama. It'll be his word that he's ready to go and I can't see why he wouldn't want to go next weekend if he's ready or even close to ready.
  9. And I'd guess Grady (shudder) Sizemore's catch in the CLE v. BOS game makes a web gem. Very nice grab.
  10. Glenn is very gifted at what he does. Stephen Perkins, from Jane's Addiction, is one of the loudest rockin' drummers I've had the pleasure to watch play several times. His band, Banyan, often features Mike Watt and Nels from time to time.
  11. You are correct. I believe the hide was knocked off the ball and it still hasn't come down yet.
  12. I'm not sure what the big deal is. So you hear the tune on a t.v. instead of a radio. In this day of iPods and satellite radio and iTunes and every other way to hear/buy music, artists need to hit various mediums. I wasn't too happy with hearing/seeing the Meat Puppets on a very early version of the show 90210 at first. After thinking about it, it was actually pretty damn funny. I can't get caught up in how they decide to market themselves or earn a paycheck. It's not my music.
  13. Nice to see Trot Nixon get a well-deserved standing ovation upon his return to the fens.
  14. I took out a second loan for a mortgage this a.m. to buy gas-o-line.
  15. And in today's Rocky Mountain News owner Charlie Montfort decried his believe that people (fans) just need to have a little more patience. Right. He said there is no way they would even consider selling. Fans have been calling for them to sell the team for awhile now for many reasons. The brother's Montford even rewarded the GM (Dan O'Dowd) and manager Clint Hurdle with 2 year extensions on Opening Day. Talk about inept.
  16. A "real" Yankee has a strut/swagger and/or gaze/glint in his eye that screams "I am a Yankee. I am of success." It's an intangible quality, really. But it's a quality nonetheless.
  17. Either Julio Lugo had a long talk with the game balls pre-game concerning what they should do if hit foul within fielding range or Sammy Sosa is cocked.
  18. Yeah, me too. I like where this season is headed:plenty of adversity (major waves/storms, the off-shore distribution boat caught on fire, etc.).
  19. The purpose of having Baez around is to allow guys like Bedard and Cabrera to feel like they're actually pitching well.
  20. I watched a bit of the FLA v. PHI game and saw some of this wackiness. Also a ball bobbled loose at home after a nice tag. And tomorrow night is Cuban Heritage Night at the park (according to the broadcast).
  21. http://25tardcaps.blogspot.com/ And, I like this that someone posted on Schilling's blog: "Way to be older and crappier then Mussina was last night." That's rich.
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