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Everything posted by futureage1

  1. Are you kidding? It's not too late. We have under 200 cases in the USA currently. Now would be the ideal time to take steps such as travel restrictions and closing the border if the threat was as bad as they claim. All they are doing now is setting up the perfect circumstances for it to be spread all over this country. And telling you to wash your hands against an airborne virus is useless.
  2. Right Spector has been a self serving bottom feeder since day 1.
  3. Well I would be more apt to agree with your line of thinking if they actually closed the border and imposed travel restrictions. It mostly seems like an exercise to quell the cartels overthrowing the Mexican Govt. and to get people's eye off the ball in this country, mainly the torture memos and the upcoming bank stress tests, which should be eye opening for all the people who thought the worst of the recession is behind us.
  4. Wow one person gets it. The point is it should not take one party controlling all branches of govt. to get bills passed but that's exactly what happened under Bush and now the same thing will happen under Obama. But thanks for the typical close minded hateful responses that completely misses the entire point. It's frightening people can't see the danger in this regardless of political affiliation.
  5. The North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza The North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza outlines a collaborative North American approach that recognizes that mitigating the effects of a pandemic requires coordinated action by all three countries. It outlines how Canada, Mexico and the United States will work together to prepare for and manage outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza and pandemic influenza. At the March 2006 SPP summit in Cancun, Mexico, the leaders of the three countries committed to developing a comprehensive, coordinated, science-based approac
  6. Swine Flu Quarantines Planning Memo Sent Out By Department Of Homeland Security http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/04/28/po...ry4975598.shtml "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has sent a memo to some health care providers noting procedures to be followed if the swine flu outbreak eventually makes quarantines necessary. DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by CBSNews.com, on Monday night. It says: "The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. U
  7. So the guy who concocted the "magic bullet" theory and helped whitewash the JFK assassination is now welcomed with open arms into the Democratic party? I guess I have seen it all. It seems the public has not learned the lessons of a rubber stamp congress from Bush's presidency. The hypocrisy of the Democratic party is astounding.
  8. Chuck Todd Depicts Support For Torture Investigations As Fringe Phenomenon http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/21/c...r_n_189647.html I thought MSNBC was the liberal station?????? That is about as accurate of a report as the claims it was all Republicans or hicks at the tea parties. There was a tea party in NYC. Is that considered backwoods now? That is about at the level of FOX only broadcasting the worst elements at the tea parties and choosing to broadcast all from cities in the deep south. Control the resistance and let the plundering and stripping of our rights and treasury keep goi
  9. Axelrod: We Can't Afford To Get "Bogged Down" In Bush Investigation Debate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/20/a...o_n_189241.html "Remarks made by Obama senior adviser David Axelrod on Monday provide the clearest indication to date that the White House is not only uninterested in pursuing investigations of Bush officials involved in torture but views them as a distraction from a larger governing agenda. Speaking before the Religious Action Center, a Reform Judaism advocacy organization, Axelrod warned against re-litigating the past, arguing that the current White House didn't need
  10. That is so pathetic I spent a day defending myself against GS cheerleaders. Good luck with that if you are satisfied with the results you just laid out. I see people spent no time learning anything from articles posted. Just defending what they have been told to think by the very people ripping you off. I have nothing more to say this board is beyond depressing. Sleep tight knowing how open minded you are as you cheer your own countries demise.
  11. You are still out all the money. I didn't add anything to it. How do we get anything back if we originated all the money that is being paid back? It's ridiculous to claim we got paid back. We didn't increase the debt to 75 to 105 but we are still out the whole 75. How did we get any money back giving it all out originally? It's moving all the same money around giving s small piece back and keeping a real big chunk for yourself. It's classic Madoff being perpetrated on a massive scale. I can't believe I'm arguing math problems. Beyond lame I'm going to quit posting. Believe whatever fairy ta
  12. The problem with your equation is you are in reality only getting the $40 from John. Jim (AIG) stiffed you. But John stiffed you too since he got the money from Jim knowing Jim had no intention of paying you back. John just doesn't want you to know he stiffed you too and knew you were never getting all your money back. It explains why AIG threw all the parties and paid out the bonuses. And Goldman Sachs is still paying us back with our own money from AIG, claiming it's profits. Nothing could be further from the definition of profits.
  13. Goldman Sachs are not paying anything back when it is from AIG that is also our money. Do you see the rip off now with AIG saying they can't pay back the loans? Article is posted a few pages back. Argentina
  14. Given that the bailout now stands at 12.8 trillion that's some pretty outdated information. And news flash with the contraction now we won't hit 13.8 trillion either. Sure we are bigger but you know the saying: the bigger they are the harder they fall. So Argentina's collapse will look tame compared to ours. I don't know when it becomes clear how fucked we are already.
  15. No, they are very similar. But I'm tired of arguing with you about it. This is a free country and I respect your opinion about it.
  16. Fox and Bachman I defend on no levels. They are part of the problem and in on it too when they say the GOP will save you. Funny Fox didn't care about these NWO initiatives when Bush and Co. were carrying them out. What started as a legit demonstration against bailouts has been stolen by the GOP when everybody knows that the real purpose was a demonstration against BOTH parties carrying out world Govt. initiatives. People like Glen Beck are put on air to discredit legit concerns. Anyone who advocates violence like Beck,Bachman and Co. are not touting a solution. I agree they prey on weak minded
  17. Keeping your mind clear has a lot of advantages.
  18. There has already been a test run of this in Argentina. Another central bank controlled country. Again, it is laid out for people to see.
  19. I have never called anyone an idiot. And if people would bother reading back over this very long thread I would point out I have provided a lot of evidence. And people see no evidence of a global currency emerging? Seriously are you kidding? Did you not read about the G20 2 weeks ago? How about Geithner agreeing there needs to be a global reserve currency on China's advice??? There is nothing to that right? Please read back over the thread it has all been laid out. Like I said, people choose not to see what are very obvious signs in front of them. But I guess it's easier to shoot down ideas t
  20. Too bad by that point no store will take ATM cards. It will be cash only and lots of it.
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