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Everything posted by futureage1

  1. I'm not shifting any arguments. That is complete bullshit. Read my posts. It's safe to say I have been saying the same thing when it has been popular or not. You ignore all credible evidence to keep your mind made up that everything is great Wall St. is honest and that Goldman actually made a profit when it has been debunked how they didn't. I mean you quote the WSJ, a Rupert Murdoch publication, as legitimate. That's funny really it is. And I don't care if you have AIG insurance, but don't claim profits from insurance claims ala Goldman Sachs. Our economy is in free fall and there will be no
  2. It's not propaganda it's the truth. Propaganda is you believing the bailouts are necessary and are designed to help the public.
  3. Can you still not see we did not avoid anything? The dollar is now ruined. We are going to have hyperinflation to the point nobody can even comprehend it seems. When you are grocery shopping with a garbage sack filled with money to purchase bread, tell me what a calamity we avoided. So instead of letting a select few banks fail you find it better that the entire treasury is drained keeping a very few select banks afloat? It is very clear to everyone but you, congress and the Obama administration that we have been ripped off. Goldman wants to pay back TARP money? Too bad they never mention payi
  4. Repeal the Federal Reserve Act. Return to the Gold Standard and pay off our National Debt in about 5-10 yrs when we are not constantly paying down interest and no principle using Fed Reserve notes that are backed by nothing, except interest for each dollar the FED prints, and then says our country owes them. Funny, the FED's solution is always to print more money. And if you don't know what any of that means and don't know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank and not a Govt. agency, then you should not be supporting the bailouts, without the basic knowledge and facts, of what got us he
  5. Exactly. All one has to know is the FED invented derivatives and therefore manufactured the crisis. It's still amazing to me that people defend the bailouts on any level at this point. Obama's speech today was worthy of an Oscar. He's as big of a hoax of a progressive as Bush was a hoax of a conservative. Both of them bought and paid for, as well as brought to you by Wall St., to keep up the illusion that you still have a democratic govt.,you don't.
  6. How to Puff Up Earnings, Goldman Sachs Style- http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2009/04/how-t...an-sachs-style/ "Leave it to the clever boys at Goldman Sachs to turn dross into gold: They have come up with a way to hide massive losses so clever, it requires special comment: The Orphan Month. Yesterday, we noted that the bulk of their profits had come from AIG transfer payments
  7. All part of the plan to get the rest of the world in the G20.
  8. Actually, the bank bailout is working beautifully. It's right on target to break the back of the middle class once and for all, so that the elites can turn the American people into third world citizens. The banks did not miss a thing. Collapse was the goal. I realize it's fashionable among progressives to interpret virtually all current events in light of Naomi Klein's Shock Therapy: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism or hipsters like Taibbi. But the fit is almost uncanny. Everything that's happening is textbook Milton Friedman. Very soon the UAW will be history; then the Teamsters will be tar
  9. The only thing I can add is it would do people well to stop referring to NWO as a conspiracy. It is an agenda. It is not a conspiracy or a coincidence that every US President since Bush 41 has talked about it. And the only arguments I hear involve taking the media's word for it, when they have lied to the public about every major issue for at least 30 years. But please continue to believe them when they say the dollar is sound and there is no global agenda. Do you people still believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny too? I swear when this country looks like China in 10 years I will then
  10. The Indefinite Future of Indefinite Detention President Obama may close Guantanamo, but the policy it represents will continue. http://www.reason.com/news/show/132544.html "Barack Obama promises to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by January. But the policy the prison has come to symbolize, indefinite military detention of terrorism suspects, is likely to continue. The form it takes will tell us a lot about the strength of Obama
  11. Eric Holder Supports Warrantless Wiretaps, Defends PATRIOT Act http://bannedlibrarian.wordpress.com/2009/...ds-patriot-act/ "In yesterday
  12. You wish that was true. And if it is then where are the Democrats repealing the Patriot Act and FISA since they hold majorities in both Houses and now also control the White House? When does it become clear that they want these illegal programs in place too, the same as the Bush adminstration?
  13. You did miss that. I don't like these policies and I will speak out against them if it's Bush or now Obama carrying them out. And for all the talk about Bush, I guess people are missing how many of his policies Obama is not only continuing but expanding, like the bailouts.
  14. The Geithner-Summers Plan is Even Worse Than We Thought Jeffrey Sachs Director of the Earth Institute, Economics Professor, Columbia University http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeffrey-sach...n_b_183499.html "Two weeks ago, I posted an article showing how the Geithner-Summers banking plan could potentially and unnecessarily transfer hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth from taxpayers to banks. The same basic arithmetic was later described by Joseph Stiglitz in the New York Times (April 1) and by Peyton Young in the Financial Times (April 1). In fact, the situation is even potentially
  15. Fed Sees No Economic Recovery This Year- http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090409/ts_al...dFrhOgoV_KyBhIF "The Federal Reserve no longer sees signs of recovery this year from a prolonged recession and only weak growth in 2010, minutes of a policy-setting meeting said. Despite massive interventions by the Fed and other government bodies to jumpstart the moribund economy and unblock tight credit, policymakers at a March meeting viewed grimmer projections than those made two months earlier." Despite efforts to rebound the economy? What the F****?!! Are you kidding me? Are Americans this den
  16. It is a sad day when our Govt. institutions have been corrupted to the point that we need the Red Cross to bring attention to the war crimes this country has been and continue to be involved in. It seems to me the new President is falling all over himself to cover this up even further. And now to hear people like Pelosi and her fake outrage when she took impeachment off the table and voted for FISA and the Patriot Act, along with Obama is nauseating. She is not fooling anyone but the low information voter. They are covering it up because they are also part of the crime. They passed the legi
  17. FEMA taking back its hurricane trailers Katrina and Rita victims have to vacate housing units by May 1 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30093926 "JACKSON, Miss. - Thanh Nguyen will soon give up the cramped travel trailer that's been her home for more than four years, pack her belongings into an old Toyota Corolla and rely on the kindness of others for a place to live. She has no choice: The government is taking back the trailer. "I'm going to pack everything I have in a car and go to my friends' houses and move on and on until I find something I can afford," the Vietnamese immigrant said th
  18. I actually have done some work in the commercial field. They are definitely over compressing the sound on the commercials. It's just like what major record labels have done and is referred to as the loudness wars. The last Metallica album being a prime example of this. The same thing is happening with commercials and compressing the hell out of the final mix is the standard operating procedure now. There has been some backlash against the record companies for doing this so maybe someday they will dial back a bit on the compression for commercials too. Without looking at the original poster's
  19. Coming soon to a US city near you... Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime...ts-1656027.html This is a very dangerous slippery slope. "Identify impressionable children who are at risk of radicalisation or who have shown an interest in extremist material - on the internet or in books." An interest in extremist material? Are they monitoring their internet and library use? "programme of intervention tailored to the needs of the individual" This could mean anything. "A handful have had intervention directly by the police" Any d
  20. Business practices, bad quality Chinese import products, paying low wages,screwing employees out of benefits. Did you not hear about the woman who had cancer so Wal Mart fired her so they did not have to cover her treatments? That would have never happened when Sam Walton ran the company. Where I live they picket when Wal Mart tries to open a store. The stock price is really beside the point. Look up the history of the company and you may be able to answer your own question. Comparing prices from past decades is not really a good way to compare things. Cigarettes used to be 25 cents a pack
  21. Sorry you completely missed the point. And this CEO is trustworthy since he ran AIG for 4 decades without problems. It is when he left things went downhill. It's very similar to what happened to Wal Mart after Sam Walton died. And if there is any truth to what he said it is that we will never get our money back. I do think it is a stretch to blame it on the Govt. when their poor business practices is what's at fault. And if the bailouts didn't work and the company still fails then it was a complete waste of money. And it sounds like they will still fail.
  22. Former CEO: Govt. Totally Blew AIG Bailout abcnews.go.com/Politics/Business/story?id=7237477&page=1 "Greenberg who led the insurance giant for nearly four decades, told Congress today that the federal bailout of the insurance giant has "failed" and that American taxpayers cannot expect to get their $180 billion investment back." I knew we would never get our money back.
  23. There have been quite a few people speaking out about Bush and Congress' spending and illegal wars over the years. It didn't effect the general public in a real sense so it was ignored. Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and many others in both parties, all voted against the first bailout, wars etc. The fact of the matter is that it was indeed Bush and the Democratic Congress and Senate who passed that first bailout monstrosity. Now when everyone can see it for what it is, they claim people are just playing politics, who call them on their bullshit. I wish the Republicans would actually
  24. And just so we don't forget who Summers is either. Maybe we can start to see the problem of who is heading the response to this "crisis" in this country. Harvard Derivatives Whiz Fired For Emailing Larry Summers About "Frightening" Trades? http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...ice.php?ref=fp3 "A former quantitative analyst at Harvard Management Company, the university's once-vaunted endowment manager, tells the Harvard Crimson she was fired for voicing concern to then-university president Larry Summers' chief of staff about the money manager's risky use of derivatives the traders
  25. This is what should have people up in arms... Financial Terrorism and You http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/financial-t...m-and-you-32944 At least there are still a few people in Washington who still represent people and not banks. Sanders Resolution Calls For End To Fed Secrecy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/01/s...s_n_181895.html "The Federal Reserve System has doled out more than $2 trillion in an effort to stave off the financial crisis, pouring money into "hundreds and hundreds" of banks, according to Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke. Which banks? On what terms
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