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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24943229/
  2. After 1/2 dozen listens I'm just lukewarm on this. I'm reserving final judgment until I see where it ends up in Solace's top 100 list.
  3. thanks! that bike was the shit like 18 years ago. now it does duty as fixed gear.
  4. Is there a decent rip of the full album out there? I can't find one.
  5. http://www.biggerstrongerfastermovie.com/?...tm_campaign=BSF
  6. those are two or three really good songs though, eh?
  7. a very easy and entertaining read. It's long on self deprecating humor with some genuine insights into the nature of happy places.
  8. I've never seen what the guy looks like before, but I guess I can see why some people might think he's heavy. He's got a head bigger than Peter Griffin. The album sounds good, though I'm not sure I needed another booze and drug infused collection of songs. I kind of wish they branched out lyrically.
  9. I don't get it. I have one--the gas mileage isn't that good.
  10. do you think the rest of the band covers his mirrors so he doesn't realize he isn't 17 anymore?
  11. For quite some time now my mother has suffered from emphysema and a host of other physical ailments brought on by a lifetime of heavy smoking. And while she stopped many years ago, the damage was far done already. Amongst the myriad problems wracking her body at this point are that her kidneys ceased functioning due to one of the steroids that helped her to breathe. Unable to continue with this steroid her breathing is extremely labored, and as a result of her kidneys shutting down and the lack of oxygen she's grown difficult to understand and slips in and out of lucidity. She's fallen several
  12. Maybe it's because I don't spend much time here anymore, but it seems pretty clear that Jack is doing a fine job of yanking yr'all's chains.
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