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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. why is this day and age different than any other? in their defense, people are obviously tuning in so I'll add to the eff NBC sentiment... fuck everyone, cause we obviously went to hell in a handbasket a long time ago.
  2. he clearly doesn't fit in New York
  3. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showforum=72
  4. man. a-rod. I can't wait until he opts out and we can get someone else at third.
  5. I vowed to stay out of this thread. sigh. can't. resist. a news clip on his unusual behavior... "last year he started to leave very early in the morning." I must be a potential mass murderer. and on that note I go back to my news fast.
  6. cousin tony killed phil's brother in retaliation for ______________, his buddy from prison being killed.
  7. WTF? mike and the mad dog in the morning?
  8. People's complaint with events such as this generally revolve around the publicly funded infrastructure to hold the games. Typically the down time and traffic snarls happen while they're trying to build stadiums, arenas and what not. They tried that in NY but aside from those who had a vested interest in seeing it happen there seemed to be little support for it.
  9. They look as if they may use the same figures, with different packaging, for 15 or 20 different bands.
  10. is that real? did he really say that?
  11. They have mike barnacle slotted in the morning for the next couple of weeks. A pretty weird choice given all the controversy he's been embroiled in himself. Who ends up there is going to greatly determine the value of that station. They didn't have much going on except for Imus and Mike and the Mad Dog. ESPN radio is going to gun hard to be the top sports radio station in NY.
  12. CAMDEN, N.J. - Gov. Jon S. Corzine was apparently not wearing his seat belt as required by law when his official SUV crashed into a guard rail, leaving the governor hospitalized in critical condition, a spokesman said Friday. A state trooper was driving Corzine to a meeting between Don Imus and the Rutgers women's basketball team Thursday night when another vehicle, swerving to avoid a pickup truck, hit the governor's SUV and sent it into the guard rail on the Garden State Parkway. The crash broke the governor's leg, six ribs, his sternum and a vertebrae. Authorities were searching for the
  13. big fat mike: this is a sad teary place today mad dog: this is a disgrace according to them FAN lost advertising because of the Imus thing. Now they're losing the rest because of the way it was handled.
  14. They've been pretty firmly in the Imus camp, although I don't know what their spin is now that he's been dropped by CBS as well
  15. I've heard several talk show hosts, mainly sports guys, rail against Sharpton and Jackson. No big time news folk or pundits though.
  16. you don't see the relevance of the tawana brawley case in comparing sharpton to MLK? than while you may have some awareness of the case you clearly don't know what it. that case alone would make it impossible for sharpton to ever be cast in a light as favorable as dr. king.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley
  18. stripper.....pay how? seriously, I'm not sure how what she did doesn't warrant criminal charges. plus, crying rape in a crowded theater really should have women lighting their torches.
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